From ancient Egyptian healing secrets to a method of repelling insects in India, Mother Nature has supplied the world with a multitude of plants to heal in many different ways. In this article, you will learn how lemongrass and juniper fits into aromatherapy and healing circles.
In traditional medicinal circles of India, the highly fragrant grass called lemongrass, played an important role in aromatherapy treatments and natural healing. While the tropical grass could help treat people with infections and fever, the oil served many different purposes. The beneficial oil came from freshly chopped lemongrass. People would use the oil to keep insects away, especially during travel to a hotter climate. Adding two drops of lemongrass in a vaporizer was known for keeping mosquitoes away.
The scent of lemongrass is often described as zesty, strong and lemony with slightly earthy undertones. When used in aromatherapy, the grass as an uplifting effect that can have the same effect as an antidepressant , working to change the mood for the positive.
Lemongrass is known to stimulate circulation in the body, as well as help the digestion system. Other uses of lemongrass outside of aromatherapy include treating aches and pains of the muscles or circulatory system, cramps, strains, poor circulation, and untoned muscles. Use the grass to jumpstart your digestive tract when it seems sluggish. Blend lemongrass with the following oils to maximize its potential: frankincense, sandalwood, peppermint, ginger, and rosemary.
The ancient Egyptians used juniper to fight disease and over time, the aromatherapy properties of the plant began to reach others. Juniper is an evergreen shrub that can reach 20 feet into the air. The oil comes from the black berries after they have ripened. It takes two years for the berries to reach full maturity, which is needed before it can undergo the distillation process. Oil is found in the wood and twigs, but is not as good in quality as the oil that comes from the berries.
The fragrance of juniper oil is described as pungent, green and piney with woodsy undertones. The scent offers an uplifting experience for uses , especially when they are suffering from mental fatigue and anxiety. While the plant is generally non-toxic, it is highly recommended that pregnant women should not come in contact with the oil.
Other uses of juniper outside of aromatherapy include weight loss, treating colds and flu, fighting oily skin, and jumpstarting energy levels. One can also use juniper to treat aches and pains, fluid retention, gout, cramps, and muscle problems. To elevate the benefits of juniper, keep in mind that it blends well with lemon, fennel, eucalyptus, rosemary, and cypress. To this day, juniper berries are used to make a jam eaten in Switzerland that is believed to help protect against colds and infections in the chest.