Just when you thought Parmenion could do no wrong, he falls out of favor with his new leader Alexander the Great. This article will tell you what he did or didn’t do, as well as introduce Attalus , strategos of Philip and early taxiarch of Alexander.
The Fall of Parmenion
It wasn’t until the conquest of Drangiana that things started to heat up for Parmenion. His son, Philotas was implicated in a conspiracy to take the life of Alexander. The army condemned him and he was killed.
Alexander started to grow fearful of his safety if the father of the conspirator was allowed to live. He then sent word to Media to have Permenion killed. Although there was no proof that he had anything to do with a plan to harm Alexander, he was not given the opportunity to set the record straight.
Whispers from advisors told Alexander that it probably wasn’t a good idea to have Permenion commanding his army after the death of his son. To make matters worse, he was in charge of the land situated close to Alexander’s treasury and his supply lines. In Media, three officers executed Permenion in 330 BC at the age of 70.
Attalus (390 BC , 336 BC)
The significant courtier belonging to Philip II had marital ties within the royal family when Attalus’ niece Cleopatra Eurydice married the king in 339 BC. The spring of 336 BC would see Attalus appointed to the position of commanders of the advance force meant to take on the Persian Empire located in Asia Minor. Attalus also joined Parmenion, who was given the same responsibility.
After the assassination of Philip II, Alexander the Great took over as king in the October of 336 BC. As a result, Cleopatra Eurydice and her two children were forced to join Philip in the afterlife. It is believed that Cleopatra took her own life after she witnessed the death of her offspring. Attalus was also killed.
What is a Chiliarch?
The translation for the title of chiliarch is “commander of a thousand,” which was significantly used in regards to the Greek army during the Hellenistic period. Basically, the man who assumed this title was in charge of commanding a platoon that consisted of 1,000 men. A chiliarch was given duties that crossed both martial and civil lines. It was Alexander the Great that first created this office and the man who was bestowed with this honor was Hephaestion Amyntoros. However, when Hephaestion passed away, the title was awarded to Peridiccas. In later ages, the rank was utilized.
Hephaestion (356 BC , 324 BC)
Hephaestion was born to a Macedonian nobleman by the name of Amyntor and later became a general in Alexander the Great’s army. He became very close to Alexander, as it was quite known that he was a dear friend of the king, knowing all of his deepest secrets. Fortunately, the friendship was able to last the duration of their lives.
To find out what happened to Hephaestion, continue reading Part III of “High Generals of Ancient Macedonian”, which gives more information on this great warrior, as well as introduces another chiliarch by the name of Perdiccas.