In this final installment of Seven Sages exploration, you will meet Cleobulus of Lindos, who also brought another great mind into the world. Secondly, Bias of Priene is discussed as one of the Seven Sages , a man who had a kind heart, which created a wealth of stories during his lifetime.
Cleobulus of Lindos ,
The son of Evagorasand native of Lindus , Cleobulus blossomed into a great man, who took on the position of Greek philosopher. During his lifetime, he studied philosophy in Egypt and became known as one of the Seven Sages of Greece. Over time, he was known for a host of accomplishments, including restoring the temple of Minerva, which was established by Danaus. Living until the age of 70, it is said that he passed away something around 560 BC.
Great wisdom and cleverness must run in the family, as he also become the father of Cleobulina, who gained a reputation of creating unexplainable treasures in hexameter verse that were often compared in greatness to her father’s writing. Her riddles were recognized by other great minds, such as Aristotle, who was not the kind of fellow to support female scholars. He would later quote Cleobulina of Rhodes when penning Poetics and the Rhetoric.
A few of his sayings include:
“Moderation is the best thing.”
“Moderation is impeccable”
“Ignorance and talkativeness bear the chief sway among men.”
“Cherish not a thought.”
“Do not be fickle, or ungrateful.”
“Be fond of hearing rather than of talking.”
“Seek virtue and eschew vice.”
“Be superior to pleasure.”
“Instruct one’s children.”
“Be ready for reconciliation after quarrels.”
“Avoid injustice.”
“Be fond of learning rather than unwilling to learn.”
“Do nothing by force.”
Bias of Priene , (6th century)
Bias was a citizen of Priene who later grew up to become a Greek philosopher. Out of all the Sages, it is Satyrus who places him as the wisest out of them all. He is also known for a reputation as being ‘good.’ Legend says that he negotiated the ransom of a few women who had been taken prisoner. Treating them like they were his very own flesh and blood , he gave them an education and then sent them back to their fathers in Messina (which was their homeland).
Throughout his career, he is said to have penned close to 2,000 verses on Ionia, which focused on how a man could achieve happiness. Some of his words of wisdom are listed below:
“All men are wicked.”
“It is difficult to bear a change of fortune for the worse with magnanimity.”
“Choose the course which you adopt with deliberation; but when you have adopted it, then persevere in it with firmness.”
“Do not speak fast, for that shows folly.”
“Love prudence.”
“Too many workers spoil the work”
“Speak of the Gods as they are.”
“Do not praise an undeserving man because of his riches.”
“Accept of things, having procured them by persuasion, not by force.”
“Cherish wisdom as a means of traveling from youth to old age, for it is more lasting than any other possession.”