In Part 2 of “Truth About Vikings,” we will continue to explore the ways and beliefs of the Vikings, which includes one of the most common associations that many link to the Viking culture , the helmet.
4) Did you know that Viking raiders founded Dublin during the 9th century?
5) About the year 1000, the Viking boarded a fleet of 80 “dragon ships,” which carried 100 soldiers, and launched an attack on Britain.
6) At one time, did you know that the largest slave market in the world belonged to the Vikings who resided in Dublin?
7) In an attempt to promote the exploration of the large plot of ice and snow that he found in 982 AD, Eric the Red named the location Greenland when speaking to his fellow Norsemen. A couple of years had passed and 25 ships took to the land with a new crop of settlers awaiting the possibilities.
8) Did you know that a Viking chief dreaded dying in peace within the comforts of his own bed? This was considered one of the worst ways to die for this group of people.
9) The Viking helmet has served as a significant association with this group of people, but only one of its kind has been find throughout history. The specimen was uncovered in a Viking grave located in the south of Norway. Incidentally, it did not display the horns that everyone envisions when imagining a Viking helmet.
10) During the Byzantine days, you probably would have never believed that some emperors actually relied on Vikings as their guards.
11) A Viking leader by the name of Harald Hardrada descended upon England and 1066 and launched an attack. The northern militia situated close to York immediately took him down. Ironically, Hardrada and his men set up camp on meadows that surrounded both sides of the River Derwent at Stamford Bridge. With the sun shining brightly, they decided to take off their armor and enjoy a session of sunbathing. However, when soldiers of King Harold II approached their position, they didn’t even wake, as they thought it was more Viking coming. By the time they noticed that it was an English army, they paid with their lives, as they were attacked and Hardrada too was killed.
12) When it comes to the Icelandic language, there are plenty of similarities to that of Old Norse. Therefore, school children in Iceland have no problems reading the Eddas and the sagas, which are great pieces of literature that are penned in Old Norse.
13) If you study a Viking ship, you will find that it is steered by rudders that are found on the right side. The Vikings called this part of their vessel – styrbord, which means, “steer side” in Old Norse. If you can see where I am going with this , then you already know that I’m going to mention that this is the origin of the English term “starboard”.