Regarding The Benjamin Fulford Claims Of Mass Arrests of Bankers– We got our hands on today’s latest Court Docket for the Neil Keenan Case. Apparently the judge has been reassigned.
Originally the case was assigned to Judge Howell BUT According to the Docket filed as of TODAy April 17th 2012, the case has been assigned to: Judge Jesse M. Furman.
New 4/18- Furman is the brother of President Obama’s Economic Advisor! WOW
See Dockets Of Today- As of 4/17/2012
Dragon Document <— PDF
Be Assured- The Case Is REAL- That much I Verified Myself.
If you have not been informed of the Keenan case, please see the Benjamin Fulford SAGA section. We will publish updates there as we get them.
Time To Be JUDGED By The System You Built