Those checking housing prices and foreclosure rates on the real estate market will already know the terrifying nature of the seller’s market, but things are about to get a whole lot spookier as Britain’s most haunted home, Wymering Manor goes up for sale this month. The haunted home is said to not only be beautiful, but carry a mysterious plethora of ghosts with it as well.
The unnatural beauty of Wymering Manor is accented by a terrifying history of close encounters with the paranormal. Those who have worked in the area for a long time have repeatedly reported various nocturnal haunts invading their space. Those skeptical of the paranormal have often reported mysterious occurrences there that lead them to a crossroads of either denying categorically that anything out of the ordinary happened or the possibility that several strange entities may indeed still lurk in the shadows, grabbing passersby and singing to them from the enchanted corridors of this mysterious house.
The house is said to be haunted by several spirits, including the ghost of a man who will reach out and touch or grab those passing through the hallway on the second story, another man who will appear at the balcony above two sets of ornate Jacobean stair cases, and a host of nuns who reportedly sing in the dead of night among others. The name Wymering Manor carries with it an immense weight in certain paranormal circles.
But who would buy a home whose current residents refuse to leave? Those looking to buy the manor will not only have the three hundred fifty thousand pound initial price tag to contend with, but costs for repairs and initial maintenance are expected to exceed a hundred and fifty thousand more. And then again there is the task of finding work crews that don’t mind operating in specifically haunted environments around paranormal activity. And this activity is ubiquitous within the manor’s walls. Witnesses from all over Europe have passed through and described strange scenes the likes of which seem incredibly dramatic even for seasoned ghost hunters. Of course still others spend days there and witness nothing.
When the new owners arrive, how will they get along with the old owners and residents as they try to cohabit in two different worlds sharing the same space? Investigators and previous residents all describe the entities located in Wymering Manor as friendly, but not necessarily cooperative with ongoing research.
From reading reports of those passing through, it seems the types of hauntings in the area range everywhere from residual hauntings to sentient and aware spirits who can communicate with mediums and psychics. Residual hauntings are like psychic imprints on an area where some short sequence of a person’s life is replayed over and over occasionally becoming visible to those passing through. And the latter is often said to be a discarnate form of consciousness that retains its awareness after death and can even communicate with those who have yet to pass over.