In recent times within the area of paranormal research, nothing has divided skeptics and believers more than the ghost box. Myself, being what I would class as a skeptical believer, had to try this device out.
What is a ghost box?
Modern day ghost boxes are simply modified radios that have been customised to continually sweep the frequency ranges without stopping resulting in a mixture of white noise and tiny snippets of broadcasting radio stations being heard. In EVP research it is often thought that a certain degree of background noise can help in the formation of disembodied voices coming through. In essence, existing noise can be manipulated to form words… theory anyway. The ghost box, tied in with the possibility of ethereal voices coming through on frequencies, seems to provide the perfect background noise for this type of manipulation. You are also able to hear voices in real time, not just on playback so technically this device can be classed as ITC as well as EVP.
My experiences
After watching numerous videos of other peoples work with this tool, I was absolutely astounded and excited at the possibility that some of the voices heard were indeed some kind of sentient energy trying to communicate with us but as I will advise with any paranormal device, it has to be personally tested to make any kind of true judgment. A year ago, I bought a ghost box and have used and tested it extensively to this day. My first experiences were simply hearing my name being repeatedly said every time I run a session but I soon adopted the method of using control questions where there can only be one possible correct answer to anything I asked. I would ask for things to be repeated, time and time again I heard the correct answer.
Obviously, there is a chance that the answers we hear are coming through naturally on the radio at the exact moment in time we ask the question. Maybe a co incidence, but over time, these co incidences mount up making it, in my personal opinion, probable that something is indeed intelligently communicating with us. As always though, it cant be proven either way but surely co incidence can only go so far before you start to look at other possibilities.
One example of a control question I asked was for any possible entity identify what object I was holding in the air. For this experiment, i filmed it so that the object was seen.
The object I was holding was a pen. I only expected to hear the word pen being said to me, but in the video, you can even see the brand of pen I was holding which was a Sharpie. After asking what I was holding, the response I heard back was “Sharpie Pen”! Does this mean that something could indeed see what I was holding or does it mean that the words “Sharpie Pen” came through naturally on an ever changing radio at the exact moment I asked the question?
Do I believe?
Through many hours of research and constant exact and correct answers to questions I ask, I believe that something intelligent can communicate with us through EVP and the ghost box, but what it is, is another question. I still wont rule out any natural answers to these voices but I feel it is more probable that something that is self aware is talking to us.
Until proven either way, every possibility must remain open!