There are tons of popular destinations about Europe that offer an opportunity to check out haunted houses, towns, and other scary adventures. Some of the largest cities in the most visited countries will provide an assortment of interesting stops along the way. You never know when you will encounter a historical legend or menacing town apparition. In this article, you will learn about some of the places in Europe that will offer quite a scare, such as Edinburgh and Dublin.
A trip to Dublin brings you close to three main ghost tours and walk options. The first selection won’t have you running out of energy. This is because it is a ghost tour that takes place on a bus. Weaving in and out of the city, you will have the pleasure of listening to a professional guide tell you stories about all of the criminals and phantoms whose tales decorates years and years of Dublin history. For more information, you may place a call to 00-353-1-703-3060.
When you are interested in walking tours throughout Dublin, there are two to consider. The Zozimus Experience guides guests through the ins and outs of the medieval parts of Dublin. Many have praised the entertaining tour, which touches upon local tales of murderous escapes, unbelievable crimes, as well as almost mythical occurrences. More details can be found when calling 00-353-1-661-8646.
Literature lovers enjoy the Walk Macabre selection of Dublin because a great deal of the tour deals with a variety of performances and readings. Accompanying an array of some of the most well known reconstructed murders in the city, you will also hear the words of Bram Stoker, WB Yeats, James Joyce, Sheridan Le Fanu, and Oscar Wilde come to life. Making advanced reservations for this experience is highly recommended, which can be made when calling 00-353-87-245-6542.
In Edinburgh, there are two main tours to seek out that are sure to bring chills up and down your spine. If you’ve always had a thing for witches, you might want to explore what The Witchery Tours has to offer. Every destination has a dark side to reveal and it is up to this tour to shed a bit a light in this direction. To arrange tours through this company, you should visit 84 West Bow (Victoria Street), which also offers access to an onsite shop. For the price of £7.50 for adults and £5.00 for children, there are two opportunities featured: the Ghosts and Gore Tour and the Murder & Mystery Tour).
Edinburgh also provides the Auld Reekie Tours, which is said to be one of the most frightening ghost tours in all of Scotland. This is probably because the tour takes place beneath the ground. Numerous points of interest about the city are visit with a culminating moment at one of the most haunted pubs in the city. Many tourists lose sight of the focus of the tours with the three bars and levels to explore, but several participants agree that the tour is rather scary. For more information, you may call send your inquiries to
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