Kansas is a Midwestern state within the United States that stirred intense waves of violence in the past when the area became a free state. Violence and unrest spread throughout during the early period of the state, as the issue of slavery was debated on the battlefield. Some of that chaos still surrounds some locations throughout the cities.
There are many battle locations that have left their mark in Kansas, whether it is an eerie tale, feeling or ghost that may linger. At the Old Fort in Fort Scott, there have been numerous sightings of soldiers hailing from the Civil War. Apparitions that resemble a fog have also been reported. Sometimes they will appear in the chimney area of the officer’s quarters. The fort dates back to the 1800s when Kansas was referred to as “bleeding” and border wars were conducted with Missouri. Ghosts have also been reported to wander about the cellblock area.
Fort Leavenworth has a historic past, which is also described as quite haunted. A few old officer houses still exist and reports have surfaced dealing with the sighting of faces appearing in the back of the fireplaces. Odd noises can also be heard throughout the night. It is thought that the ghosts originate from inmates who were executed at the United States Disciplinary Barracks at the Fort. Close to the prison, these inmates were buried in the National Cemetery.
Fort Riley offers a variety of haunted spots, such as the Artillery Parade Field, where the ghost of a woman who is covered in chains has been seen on many different occasions. Two men who can be seen playing polo on top of a horse have haunted the Infantry Parade Field, which was once used as a polo field. It is said that if they are interrupted, they become quite upset and react. At the Main Post, an apparition of an old nurse or caretaker has been seen haunting the area.
The Old Fort can be found in Hays, where a sad tale haunts the area. The date is 1867 and a drummer named Ephriam Polly and his wife, Elizabeth, made a pit stop at the Fort. During their stay, cholera settled in at the fort, wreaking havoc. The whereabouts of Ephraim is unknown, but Elizabeth stayed at the fort to tend to ailing soldiers. When she could steal away a moment to herself, she would take a walk to her favorite place, which was situated on the top of a hill, which was located close to the fort. Sometimes she would take naps at this site. During the fall, Elizabeth was struck with cholera and passed away. She received a full military funeral and was buried at her favorite place. Numerous witnesses have sighted a ghost at the top of the hill, believing that they have encountered the ghost of Elizabeth Polly.
In Eudora, the ghost of a woman is said to haunt the area. She jumped in front of a train when she found out that her boyfriend was killed while fighting in World War II. Fort Dodge, which can be found at Dodge City, is currently a retirement home for soldiers. It dates back more than 150 years and is said to be haunted by the spirits of many soldiers who have come and gone.