Located on the Grand River, within the Region of Waterloo, you will find the city of Cambridge, which is one of the subjects for this article on haunted tales in the Ontario, Canada region. The other city we will take a look at is called Chatham, which can be found in the southwestern section of Ontario. It’s history can be traced back to the 1790s when the area was used as a naval dockyard.
When visiting Cambridge, you will find that there is a Dead Man’s Drop in the area. It is a rather large and deep hill that took the life of a man, who went over it and slammed into a large wall on the other side. Where road used to cover a patch of grass, some say his ghost can be seen driving in that area, going at quite a fast speed.
At the Preston Springs Hotel in Cambridge, you will encounter many different odd scenes that occur in the area. When night has settled, about 2am, nearby restaurants have reported the strange faces of individuals looking at them from the windows on the upper floors of this site. Although no power is turned on in the building, lights have been seen flickering on the premises. People who live in the houses surrounding the hotel claim that figures have walked about the grounds, as well as in the stairwell section of the building. Some say that these same figures have been known to disappear, as they have gotten closer to them.
Moving onto Chatham, you will find Pain Court, which is located along the Thames River. The ghost of a murdered girl is said to haunt this area. The girl brought home a boyfriend that her parents were not in agreement with. The parents had a huge argument, resulting in the girl running away from her home. Not too long later, the girl was found dead. Her body showed signs that she was beaten to death and when she was found, her body was already in the stages of decomposing. Her body was found tucked behind a barn. Her parents blamed the boy for committed the act, but it was later proven that it was the mother who was responsible for this horrendousness. She confessed to taking her daughter’s life by beating her to death with a hot iron. The girl, as well as the rest of her family can be found buried within the Pain Court Cemetery.
At the Park Street United Church in Chatham, the ghost of a tall man, who can be seen dressed in black can be spotted running about Wesley Hall. He has been sighted by two different janitors when motion detectors were on and running. At the River Thames, a young girl was killed in front of her friend, as an identified man threw her body into the Thames. Her friend fled the scene and told the story to family and friends. It is said that the girl’s screams can be heard to this very day.