On Fri 31st Aug a good friend and work mate died of a massive heart attack at around12.45.He was found by his landlady latter on that eve sitting in a chair all ready to go to work.The paramedics told her that if he’d been standing he would have been dead before he had hit the ground.
Mon 3rd Sept,at around 20.45 the lights go off, I thought it was a power surge but my team leader came back saying they had been turned off I thought he was having me on.
Tue 4th at around the same time the lights go off again I go round to find that indeed they had been turned off. Everyones whereabouts is accounted for,were a team of five working in a remote area.
Wed 5th again at around the same time the lights go out, two of my workmates were outside when it happened well away from the lights in view of them, it badly upset one of them so now I’m ruling out a prank.
Thurs 6th jammed a large piece of cardboard in front of the lightswitches 21.00 the lights go off everyones accounted for I go round to find that the cardboard has been removed.
Fri 7th again I jam a large piece of cardboard in front of the lightswitches and then I jam a broom against the cardboard got two of my workmates to agree with me that they would not move without help. 20.45 the lights go off,everyones accounted for we all go round to find that the cardboards been removed and the broom on the floor. Now I’m wondering how the other shift will deal with it.
Mon 10th I come in to find that the lightswitches have been moved to the other end of the factory this has been due to happen for a while.
Tue 11th the other shift came in and told me that all that happened was the lights flicked next week I’m going to try something to see if he’s still active,