It has been well known by the locals of Watauga River’s high water bridge that there are three mysterious ghostly manifestations present who’s home has taken place under the high water bridge in Watauga County, North Carolina. Those making their way across the bridge who are fortunate enough to tap into the mysterious world of the ghostly trio late at night when the clouds hang low and the rain is gently falling onto the murky waters below will get an eerie glimpse of an angry dentist drowning his two innocent young sons beneath the old concrete bridge. During the 40’s flood many crops were ruined, and some homes were carried away by the harsh forces of the rushing waters. All were saddened by their losses, but an angry dentist was as dry as the scorching sun above the highest mountain. Watauga River had become a raging ocean to those who never saw a sailing ship or the high tides flowing over the vass sands, but the only storm the angry dentist could see was the storm brewing inside himself. No one ever knew why the once gentle father of two shy, and innocent young sons had become soaked in his own anger on a dark rainy night, during a fitfull flood, then murdered them below the high water bridge. Perhaps the rain never stopped pouring and the frustrated dentist had once found cavities inside the mouths of the two frightened sons and drowned them in fury. Or maybe he’s anxiously waiting to fill the tooth of the devil himself on the other side.