In this article, you will learn how berries, bark, and flowering plants have been used for many centuries in the treating of medical concerns, including liver damage and longevity.
15) Platycladus
Belonging to the cypress family Cupressaceae, the distinct genus of this evergreen coniferous tree only has one species to speak of (Platycladus Orientalis), which is also referred to as Chinese Arborvitae or Biota. The tree is native to the northwestern part of China and is widely used in other parts of Korea, Japan, northern India, and northern Iran. Some people are known to use the tree as an ornamental item, but others regard the tree as a gateway to a longer life and increased vitality. In regards to Buddhist temples, the wood serves a purpose in construction. When chipped, it is used for incense burning.
16) Schisandra chinensis
The translation of this deciduous woody vine means ‘five flavor berry.’ This particular plant is rather unique, as in Chinese , its name means that it contains five basic flavors, which is sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and pungent (another word for ‘spicy’). The berries serve as one of the 50 fundamental herbs and are typically use in its dried form. A common preparation method is to boil the berries and create a tea. This is where drinkers can benefit from the tonic and restorative properties of the vine, which is also known to increase protection to the liver.
In China, the berries also make a popular wine. In Korea, the berries are called ‘omija’ and are also made into a tea that is called ‘omija cha.’ In Japanese, they are referred to as ‘gomishi.’
17) Anemone chinensis
As an item used in traditional Chinese medicine, individuals look forward to the anti-inflammatory, hypnotic, cardiotonic, anti-spasmodic, and sedative properties found in ‘bai tou weng.’
18) Datura stramonium
This common weed is part of the Nightshade family and contains tropane alkaloids that are known to produce hallucinogen effects. Some of the active ingredients associated with this weed have provide to bring about delirious results in some herbal treatments. When used without any supervision, a novice in the world of natural remedies may overdose, which can lead to a trip to the hospital and in the worst cases , death. The herb can reach heights of five feet tall and displays purple stems with unique, white to purple flowers in the shape of a trumpet.
The fruit produced by the weed is the same size as a walnut and shaped like an egg. It is covered in prickles that protect the dozens of small black seeds found inside. When disturbed, all parts of the plant send a nasty scent into the air. This popular weed is also known as jimson weed, ditch weed, stink weed, Korean morning glory, mad hatter, crazy tea, devil’s snare, devil’s trumpet, zombie cucumber, thorn apple, Jamestown weed, and loco weed.