Re: Intellectual Laziness of Atheists
“Atheists are intellectually lazy and seek to put finality and closure to the question of God’s existence so they don’t have to think about it any more.”
You couldn’t be more wrong! In fact, you’re view of Atheists, predictably, is precisely opposite of reality. This is exactly what I would expect from someone who believes that imaginary friends are actually real! Atheists, despite your misconception, are actually in an intellectually frenzy! I, for example, read creationist literature from every religion I can find: Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Norse, ancient Egyptian, Native American, Christian, etc. I also read everything I can find from theistic evolutionists — yes, there are believers in the gods who simultaneously believe in the truth of evolution. And, of course, I also read what the materialistic and atheistic evolutionists have to say. Add to this reading as many holy books as possible and my plate is exceedingly full — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg!
We are constantly thinking about the question of the existence of gods and goddesses. In fact, one could say we even obsess about it! You see, just because you don’t believe that any of the millions of deities that man has created are real, that doesn’t mean that you stop all thought processes involved with them. Oh no, not all. Christians, though, tend to. They believe that their god exists and that’s where it ends. They don’t ask “Could other religions be true? Could other gods and goddesses be real? Could my god be false?”
Unfortunately this also tends to happen with modern Christians and science. Instead of looking to what science has proven to be the case when asking the question “How did this occur?” they simply think “god did it” and leave it at that. That is pure intellectual laziness! No puzzle would ever be solved with this kind of attitude!
“In/out, up/down, right/left, hot/cold, tension and the release of tension, appetite and the removal of appetite, the passage of time as moments. These are all IDEAS. These ideas were conceived and executed. If you don’t see the world as a construct of tremendous magnatude, you’re just not looking at it.”
And this proves that your god exists how exactly? I fail to see any relevance, whatsoever. I can see a correlation, however, with this kind of thinking and god belief. Since you live in a fantasy world, where magical beings don’t have to follow any of the laws of physics, it makes total sense that you would be unable to hold a conversation without going off on a random tangent. Non sequiters are standard fare for your kind!
“It’s right there in front of you, but you choose to ignore it. If you need more evidence to be convinced, then you will never be convinced, but I must state that because you choose to ignore and ivestigate this evidence, you are simply too lazy to ponder it.”
I have examined every piece of evidence, in great analytical detail, from the theist and the polytheist I have come across. None has been convincing. I haven’t chosen to ignore anything, though. It’s you, I suspect, that does a great deal of ignoring when the Atheist comes along and tries to present you with the massive evidence for our common sense position. Your delete button must be awful worn out!
You also miss the fact that beliefs aren’t choices. We believe when we are convinced, we don’t when we aren’t. It’s that simple. What you find to be convincing, we don’t. What we do, you don’t. What is so complicated about that?
“Don’t get caught up in the trap that God is all peace, love, and happiness stuff. This leads to all sorts of erroneous thinking.”
I’m not and I don’t. The Bible’s mythology clearly paints a god of pure unbridled evil who could care less about his terribly flawed creations. It becomes clear, after a through reading of Judeo/Christian scripture that we, in the mind of the god character, have as much worth as the bacteria currently residing on your teeth do to you. Kill a million? So what!
“Take an honest look and try to see the world (reality, not man’s world) as it really is, not through the haze of your preconceptions. Shut your internal dialogue up long enough to take a good look.”
I do this constantly on a daily basis. And do you know what? The answer is always the same. We live in a universe that operates inside a naturalistic framework devoid of magical beings such as elves, unicorns, leprechauns and gods. Everything we see got here, not because of mythical gods and goddesses, but by pure, natural processes no more magical than the Earth going around the Sun. That is reality.
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