From crushed garlic to the sweet scent of cinnamon, an array of herbal preparations and treatments has been used to treat patients seeking help from Ayurvedic medicine. In this article, you will learn what garlic syrup is used for, as well as some of the lesser-known uses of cinnamon”¦and it’s just not for sweetening up an apple pie.
Whether you take garlic capsules, pearls, or cloves , garlic serves as a prime herb in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is respected for its ability to detoxify the body. When infections have settled in the nose, throat, or chest, garlic can treat symptoms rather quickly. From the fresh plant to cloves to the bulb, garlic is chopped, crushed, or used whole in many of the herbal treatments that one may encounter. Let’s take the cloves for example. Containing volatile oil, patients receive an antiseptic and antibiotic boost. Suggestions on how to use garlic for medicinal purposes, include:
· Garlic Syrup , To treat coughs , take one teaspoon every three hours.
· Chopped Cloves , Add to meals to lower cholesterol levels and boost the immune system.
· Garlic Pearl , To increase your resistance to infection, take pearls containing garlic oil.
· Capsules , Bronchitis sufferers may take two capsules containing 100 milligrams of garlic three times per day.
· Tablets , Garlic tablets have been known to treat high blood pressure and bronchitis symptoms.
Known to stimulate circulation, cinnamon is a tonic herb associated with Indian medicine with a long medicinal use history. Native to Sri Lanka and India, the herb is not only used as a spice, but the inner bark from wild trees is used to prepare healing tinctures, essential oils, powders, and infusions.
Some of the ways that one may prepare cinnamon for health remedies includes tinctures for flatulence, essential oils to treat wasp stings, powders for weak digestion, and an infusion to ease the symptoms of colds and the flu. In India, cinnamon is also taken after childbirth to prevent conception.
Sweet Flag
Taken as a tonic and known to have an aphrodisiac quality, sweet flag is a rhizome that has long been viewed as an important part of Ayurvedic medicine. With a strong bitter taste, sweet flag is quite the contrary to its name, but works wonders on patients with loss of appetite, gas pain, and colic.
When preparing the herb, you can make a decoction to treat indigestion and gas, create a tincture for digestive problems, or ground the plant up into a powder to administer as a tonic. Thought to originate in India, different parts of the world now grow this aquatic plant. Today, you can see sweet flag used throughout the United States and Europe, treating people with nervous system problems and indigestion.