I dreamt that friends (?) of mine (couldn’t see them either because they weren’t there and were speaking in my head or because those details weren’t important) told me that there was something I HAD to see and I found myself standing before this ENORMOUS sphere. It had lines all over it. The only comparison I can make is the lines in a soccer ball, but not quite. It was made out of some sort of metal that was the color of bronze or copper. I was standing very close to it and I had to tilt my head all the way back and still couldn’t see the top of it. It was HUGE. I walked away from it and got up on something like a cement barricade and was walking on it and cops showed up and were harrassing me for being there. I was trying to explain that I felt I had done nothing wrong and the cop I was speaking to was not concerned with what I had to say so I got frustrated and started cursing. The cop immediately started writing in his statement that I was cursing and belligerent and I started crying. A woman behind me said, “If you need help, speak to him,” and pointed at this old man with a long white beard sitting in a chair. There were girls all around him, maybe one or two sitting on his lap, and they were very flirtatious and so was he. That was the end of my dream. I just find it strange that I could create something in my head, in a dream, that is completely unknown to me. This sphere was so detailed and I just don’t know how I imagined something like that. DREAMS…I may never understand their substance.