The Gravitational Propulsion Research Groups are available in the MSN and Yahoo Groups areas. While we have an interest mainly in Gravitational Propulsion, we are also interested in all associated subsystems and sciences involved in the construction of a large number of space craft.
We have nightly Chats at the Yahoo Group as well as a public forum, which is moderated. Topics vary from Space, Time, Gravity, Multiple Propulsion theories, and a large range of General Physics Topics. We are seeking research on multiple forms of backup Alternative energies, with a great interest in Solar Power, and we also have interests in multiple backup propulsion systems and subsystems.
We are looking for those interested in innovative new applications of materials in spacecraft construction.Environmental systems controls are under consideration as well. Also of interest are those with experience in fibre optics uses beyond tranditional uses, into areas such as transmission of light for heavier power uses including lighting, heating, cooking, and high temperature ignition propulsion standby systems involving laser .
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