One of the latest mysteries in the world of politics is the identity of a hacker who successfully infiltrated into the email and other online accounts of well-known political personalities. Known by his or her online name of ‘Guccifer,’ the hacker’s motives to be appear aimed at some of the most elite members of politics in Washington, DC. Described as an ‘Illuminati-obsessed hacker’ ”“ Guccifer has targeted the likes of Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell.
A hacker has the impressive ability to break into email accounts and leap over firewalls to gain access to the deep secrets and clandestine correspondences of nearly anyone. No one is safe when a truly gifted hacker has set their sights on your private information. Hilary Clinton and longtime confidant Sidney Blumenthal found out the hard way. Guccifer reportedly leaked confidential memos that the two sent to one another regarding the September 11, 2012 attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya. The Smoking Gun stated that four emails were sent to dozens of politicians and journalists after Blumenthal’s AOL email account was hacked into last week.
Friends and family members of George W. Bush were also victims, as the hacker tapped into personal correspondences and even exposed some of Bush’s self-portrait paintings. The attack came after the personal email accounts of George W. Bush’s sister Dorothy were hacked into. The hacker was able to learn information about the former President of the United States, which included photos, cell phone numbers, security codes and health information of his father, George Sr.
Very telling information about the former President was revealed from stolen emails that date between 2009 and 2012. On December 26 of last year, George W. Bush emailed his siblings to ask for advice on a eulogy. He noted “since the feeling is that you all would rather me speak than bubba, please help.”
AOL accounts aren’t the only platform that the hacker is able to breach. The Facebook page of Colin Powell was broken into and ‘defaced.’ Anti-Bush messages were inserted.
The reasoning behind the online attacks seems to hinge upon the hacker’s interest in finding evidence to back up conspiracy theories. Guccifer has alluded to an interest in uncovering conspiracies that involve the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, and other topics. The hacker did declare: “i tell you this the world of tomorrow will be a world free of illuminati or will be no more.”
Politicians aren’t the only people that Guccifer targets. The most recent victim was venture capitalist and billionaire John Doerr, who has been a board member for Google since 1999. The hacker sent unsolicited e-mails to TSG from the compromised account. One email stated “i wear glasses right now an I have 2 zillion + in my bank accounts:))”
Other hacked or exposed individuals include:
”¢ Washington insider Kenneth Duberstein ”“ Served as chief of staff to President Ronald Reagan. The hacker forwarded a screen grab of an e-mail Duberstein received from Colin Powell’s Gmail account. A photo of what looks to be Duberstein’s health insurance card was also posted.
Ӣ Public relations executive Fraser Seitel
Ӣ A defense contractor named Mark Gatanas, who is the founder and chairman of VizorNet