With bold colors and a strong message, Mear One uses his artistic skills to speak his mind, and one of the topics of discussion which have been increasingly spreading to the masses is his take on the Illuminati and the New World Order. Most recently, social media has come alive with comments pertaining to one of the artist’s murals, which he created on the side of an old brick building in California. A time-lapse photo video showing the artist while at work explains the reasoning behind the theme of this mural, which has gone viral in certain circles.
Photographs of Mear One creating a mural referred to as ‘The New World Order Is The Enemy Of Humanity’ were used to create a video produced by Roger L. Griffith regarding the eye-catching street art. The video describes the concept and features of the mural. He starts by addressing the Monopoly board placed on the backs of the working class. Playing the iconic game which centers on power, wealth and owning the most property, are characters that represent the ‘ruling class’ of well-known figures in history, such as the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans. He also refers to these people as the ‘Wizards of Oz.”
In the video, the narrator continues to explain the all-too-familiar background image positioned behind the Monopoly players, which is the illuminated pyramid with an all-seeing eye. He states that it serves as a symbol of Freemasonry. Surrounding this significant symbol, there are illustrations that depict a world affected by coal-burning pollution and nuclear reactors.
Mear One says that during the creation of the mural, people would stop to ask him questions, such as ‘why are you painting something about the Illuminati in my neighborhood.’ He says that others asked him if he was a Satanist. The locals expressed anger and confusion at first regarding the intentions of the artist. He answered that he wanted to ‘spark conversation’ and ‘critical thought.’ Over time, people softened to the idea of the mural, and started to share their thoughts about the money system, politics, how the “people’s” money is being spent, as well as how they felt about troops being sent to Iraq.
“The New World Order Is The Enemy Of Humanity” piece is not the only time that Mear One has used art to send an anti-Illuminati message to the public.
For example, a mural referred to as ‘Allegory of Complacency’ was created in 2012, covering the side of a building in Lincoln Heights. The Illuminati-related all-seeing eye pyramid is a prominent feature of the mural. Forming the rest of the pyramid shape is the ‘people’ – they almost resemble the robots seen in the film, ‘I, Robot.’ In the background, note the explosions and signs of destruction.
Another 2012 mural, called “Humanity V.S. the Machine,” was created by the same artist who encourages people to Say ‘no’ to GMO (genetically modified organisms), and stand up to companies, such as Monsanto. The all-seeing eye within a pyramid appears once again. The head with ‘GMO’ on the forehead looks much like the Wizard of Oz character. Cars, industry symbols, livestock, and people look as if they are traveling towards the ‘Emerald City.’ A family holds their hands as if to say ‘no’ to this transition, where they are surrounded by signs of thriving produce and flowers. Even the baby is saying ‘no.’