With a history that takes us to the tropical ins and outs of Africa, aloe (aloe vera) held the secret antidote used to ease the aftermath of poison arrow wounds. During the ancient Greek and Roman time period, aloe gained the reputation of an effective gel that treated a variety of wounds. According to Pliny, rubbing aloe leaves on body parts, such as the genitals, was suggested as a treatment approach. In this article, we will explore the many uses of aloe.
The Greeks, Romans, and Africans were not the only cultures outside of the West that embraced the aloe plant as a natural remedy. The Chinese was known for developing a wealth of remedies from the plant. In India, the gel was embraced as a helpful tonic with a cooling effect. By the time aloe reached the West Indies, the 16th century saw more uses and acknowledgement of the plant.
The leaves of the aloe plant are known for its bitterness, hotness, and moisture. When using the gel, you may encounter bitter, moist, and salty properties. The gel also possesses a cooling effect.
Around the world, the plant is known for its many different actions. Aloe is known to promote the flow of bile and of course, heal wounds. It is also used as a tonic, sedative, and antifungal. Aloe has the power to expel worms, as well as reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Others view aloe as an effective means towards rejuvenation and helps aid the fight against the natural aging process.
What Parts Are Used?
Aloe gel is rather thick and when it comes to packing a first-aid kit, it makes the perfect addition for treating wounds, burns, and sunburn. Individuals with dry skin conditions also benefit from the use of aloe gel. This includes fungal infections of the skin, such as ringworm. In some parts of the world, the extract from the gel is used to treat mouth ulcers. In the United States, many different studies have taken place to see whether or not the gel is effective in combating breast and liver cancers. Some researchers believe that aloe may someday fight HIV. The gel can be applied freshly or transformed into an ointment for long-term use.
The leaves of the aloe plant are considered a strong remedy that comes from the fresh leaf or powdered version, which can be placed into capsules. One of the best cures that the leaves offer is in the treatment of hard-to-ease constipation. The leaves are known to stimulate the flow of bile, as well as increase the appetite and aid in the digestive process. Some cultures take extract from the leaves and apply them to the fingers of children to keep them from biting their nails. When looking for a household plant to cultivate an effective home remedy, aloe grows well in temperate conditions.
In the article titled, “How to Prepare Aloe Herbal Treatments,” you will learn the many different ways that the leaves and gel of the plant are used to make effective remedies for ailments, such as insect bites and chest congestion.