When you can’t breathe or find it difficult to get rid of a pesky cough, you may want to seek the help of herbal remedies, which can produce a less irritating effect on the body. From natural antiseptics to herbal expectorants, consider the following ingredients that can create suitable remedies and bring relief for a variety of ailments:
Garlic is known to aid the lungs in resisting infection. Let’s say you are dealing with a bronchial infection. Garlic provides an excellent method of treatment that takes care of all sorts of infections in the chest. Besides reducing the amount of mucus compromising your system, you can also eliminate the symptoms of the common cold, flu, and ear infection.
For thousands of years, garlic has served as a tonic food, whether it is used whole, chopped, or crushed. The cloves possess a volatile that brings antiseptic and antibiotic results. To treat coughs, create garlic syrup that is taken every three hours. The proper serving to take is one teaspoon.
The digestive tract and circulatory system also responds well to garlic, as one can treat intestinal parasites, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. An individual with late-onset diabetes can use garlic to lower their blood sugar levels. Other medical concerns that garlic can treat includes acne, boils, athlete’s foot, bronchitis, digestive infections, earache, fungal infection, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection, and inflamed tonsils.
Marsh Mallow
Marsh mallow brings soothing relief to membranes that have become irritated. This herb is native to Europe, but has found a place within the Americas. Dwelling in marshy fields and tidal zones, marsh mallow is another medicinal choice in treating respiratory problems. The aerial parts are collected in the summertime just when the plant begins to flower. The root is best when gathered in the fall. Overall, herbal remedies consist of the root, leaves, and flowers of the plant.
In the past, marsh mallow was put in sweet wine to treat coughs. The herb not only soothes, but also protects the mucous membranes. When using the root, excess stomach acid, gastritis, and peptic ulcerations is treated. Some ancient healers would give the peeled root of marsh mallow as a chewstick to babies who were teething. The root also proved quite helpful in treating boils and abscesses when used as an ointment.
Marsh mallow flowers have been crushed in its fresh state or added to a warm infusion to bring relief to irritated skin. Place the leaves in a warm infusion to cure cystitis or solve a frequent urination problem. Other ailments that the herb is known to treat includes irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and dry coughs.