Sometimes when it comes to keeping an adolescent on the right track, a healthy diet might not be enough. There are a wealth of supplements, vitamins, and minerals to consider for your child. Below are a few preventative treatments that aid in the progress of many different adolescent issues, such as growth spurts, hormonal stability, as well as body cleansing.
Herbs are a common way to make sure your adolescent is receiving the type of internal and external body care that is needed to lead a healthy life. Pot marigold is known to act as an effective antifungal and antiseptic. To help prevent an attack of pimples, you may rub a cream made from this herb on the face. This form of treatment should be used on a regular basis.
Alfalfa is an herb that contains a nice amount of vitamins and minerals. Whether or not your teenager gobbles up a lot of Snicker bars or skips breakfast, entering this herb into their diet will help provide the necessary elements that growing teens require. Some teens respond well to sprouted seeds within their sandwiches, while others can be tricked with the alfalfa is used as a garnish for omelets and burgers.
Dandelion acts as a decent liver tonic, as well as possesses the properties of a body cleanser. When living in heavily polluted areas, this herb may help balance out the body. It is also good for those who consume a lot of food items that contain a lot of additives. Ideas on how to use this herb include preparing a decoction from dandelion roots, as well as substituting coffee with the root.
Vitamins and minerals can provide a lot of helpful boosts in the health of a teenager. Calcium is an important supplement (no matter how old you are). To make sure your teen is receiving an acceptable amount, they will need to add green vegetables, dairy, nuts, seeds, and legumes to their diet. You should also know that during this significant time of growth in an adolescent, they will need a higher amount of calcium to compensate. Taking a supplement will also help when it equals to 250 grams per day.
Zinc helps move along the hormonal development of a teenager. At this time of their life, they should be getting up to 50 grams per day. To increase levels of zinc, try adding more meat, egg yolk, nuts, legumes, and pumpkin seeds to a diet.
The amount of Vitamin B2 (also known as riboflavin) that a teenager needs in their diet increases as they enter a rapid growth stage. To increase their intake of the vitamin, dairy products are known to help. Eating cereal and more meat will help get the 5 to 20 mg that is needed on a daily basis.