From advertisements to Disney shows reaching out to the younger population, Mickey Mouse is an iconic character in American culture. Making a debut in 1928 when Walt Disney himself provided the voice for the charismatic mouse, Mickey has appeared in countless cartoons, films and TV shows. His reach also extends to comic books, video games, and merchandising at Disney theme parks. It’s no wonder that the ultra-popular mouse is believed to be at the center of a form of mind control referred to as Mickey Mouse Programming.
In the world of mind control, Mickey Mouse fits right in because he is a highly visible and acceptable figure to serve as an ideal Monarch mind control trigger. Those who come in contact with the creature are more likely to follow his lead or accept the messages that he promotes.
Throughout the years, the obsession with the character has catapulted since the days of the Mickey Mouse Club with Annette Funicello, which later included the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Today, endless photo shoots of young music and television stars seem to incorporate the mouse, especially when it comes to his iconic ears. The ears, lips, color coordination, and hair bow of his female counterpart, Minnie Mouse, also comes into play.
There are claims that Mickey Mouse ears and associated designs have a link to the occult or mind control. Legend has it that the Mickey Mouse Club was a Disney project geared towards recruiting and shaping child stars to spread targeted messages to the public. A mind control trigger associated with the Club is the beanie Mickey Mouse caps with the large ears. During the 1950s, most young viewers wanted to get a hold of their own ‘Mouse Ears’ and to become a Mouseketeer.
Walt Disney’s alleged connection to Freemasonry and other unquestionable activity through his Disney movies, products, and other ventures doesn’t help matters either. Research conducted on Disney and the company supposedly revealed the properties played a part in the MK-ULTRA program of the CIA. With the desire to increase profits by controlling the images of young stars, the company has been accused of possessing more disturbing, underlying motives. Rumor has it that the government hired Disney to generate a handful of propaganda films and that Walt Disney himself participated in secret projects.
It is said that mind-control experiments also took place on the premises, and that many productions made deliberate attempts to insert mind-control triggers and symbolism. Disneyland and Disneyworld are also believed to use Peter Pan-related programming, space prop-related programming, mind control through the use of costumes, mirror programming, and the castles to send Satanic messages.
Over time, Mickey Mouse programming seems to have appeared in many different forms that cross an array of media formats, such as:
Ӣ A current ad for Sonos Playbar for music lovers appears on Pandora that makes use of Mickey Mouse ear advertisement, as well as cube symbolism.
Ӣ Video clips of suspected Illuminati-puppet celebrities, such as Beyonce and Lady Gaga, have shown the artists wearing hats and even sunglasses that incorporate Mickey Mouse.
”¢ Pop singers are believed to play a role in spreading messages of mind control. For example, album cover artwork for Selena Gomez’s “Kiss and Tell” project not only shows the young Disney star with Minnie Mouse lips, but also incorporates single-eye symbolism by having her hair cover one side of her face.
”¢ Graduates of the Mickey Mouse Club have a reputation of enjoying long-standing careers despite personal pitfalls that successfully call the attention to the masses. This includes the likes of Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. In the case of Britney Spears, who became a part of the Mickey Mouse Club at the age of 13, the celebrity has shown signs of possibly undergoing trauma-based mind control programming. Some would say that her public meltdown of shaving all of her hair and other erratic behavior was an outcry for help, as well as an attempt to assert her independence and ‘free herself’ from her handlers.