THe moon landing conspiracy has been thrown around supernatural websites books and magazines since it apparantly took place but i think we didn’t go to the moon. To start the president at the time (i think it was kennedy but correct me if i’m wrong) said that by the end of the decade we will be on the moon. in the last few years of the decade we were suddenly on the moon. Also around the same time a james bond movie was released. It showed james bond breaking into a film set and riding away in a moon buggy and he drives past the moon landing being filmed. This is not in the book and i don’t think the director would have put that in for no reason. There is a belt of a radiation around the earth called the van allen belt it is inpossible to get through this unless you were i a lead box the size of a house and something makes me think they didn’t take a lead box on the apollo missions….. Who filmed the craft taking off the moon again when they left the moon and who filmed niels famous first steps if he was the first man on the moon. The japanese have a very powerful satellite which has searched the moon in all possible places and there is no apollo craft on the moon. there is probes but no images of any manned craft..