Meditation how to’s
by Robert DeForest,CHt
…..Auto-Hypnosis (or self-hypnosis) and meditation are not the same thing; or so says proponents from both disciplines. Individuals from both camps often hear a battle cry and charge into the issue with righteous indignation when any comparison is made.
…..So, to those that usually hear the battle cry, I ask that you bear with me long enough for your mind to open to a new point of view. I will begin by stating that the two are not the same and ask the reader’s indulgence while I use the “Duck Method” of analysis. To those that are unfamiliar with the “Duck Method”, keep reading, you may find this technique of value.
…..To those that are experienced in both disciplines, the most common response is that the two are similar but not identical. There are plenty of individuals that are eager to point out the differences. Let’s examine the similarities. The following is true for both disciplines: ……………………………………………………………………
1.the state is reached by reducing conscious focus to a dull and repetitive activity sometimes called monoideism
2.a quieting and passive position of the conscious mind
3.a suppression of the personality
4.a going within to deeper levels of consciousness
5.a connection with, and reliance upon a Source of Power closer to the center of our beingness
6.the results are greatly affected by our attitudes at the time
7.the experience is that of altered consciousness, not unconsciousness 8.regular practice generates personal strength and mental and emotional stability
9.a valuable tool for healing or assistance in healing anything
10.a most valuable remedy for stress and other emotional pain
…..The number of similarities I have so far identified is more than ten times what is listed above. Meditation is most often considered a product of Eastern cultures and philosophy, while auto-hypnosis is usually thought of as a Western concept.
…..And now for the “Duck Method”……….. The logic is very simple. If it quacks like a duck, has duck feathers, waddles like a duck, eats duck food and behaves like a duck, then it is safe to say that it is a duck. The only remaining question is which breed of duck it is.
…..Why do we go to such lengths on this subject? Because the benefits of meditation can be very important at various times in our lives, particularly when we are in a period of growth or are struggling with issues like addiction or codependency. Meditation may be out of reach for us at such times but auto-hypnosis can easily be taught to us by a skilled hypnotherapist. So, don’t deprive yourself of the healing benefits of deep meditation; contact a hypnotherapist.
…..Robert DeForest is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Counselor, and has a private practice in the Phoenix area. He can be reached at 957-8523.