When you think of the Illuminati and the types of celebrities often suspected of belonging to or serving as a puppet for the secret society, one of the first things to come to mind is probably those who represent the entertainment industry – those who mostly hail from the music world. However, there’s an overlooked treasure trove of influential celebrities that make a lot of money and have the ability to sway the public in the same kind of manner…and they belong to the sports industry. Today, we’re going to touch upon some of the Illuminati-like actions of well-known NBA basketball players.
When it comes to sports, it’s easy to see why some people place athletes on a god-like pedestal. They are able to leap (and sometimes ‘fly’) through the air. They also make a lot of money, and when they are ultra-popular…they are used to promote a range of products – from men’s razor blades to luxury cars.
And, let’s not get started on the athletic shoe business is a billion-dollar industry, which uses the public’s favorite superstars on the court to sell their products and endorse their shoes. Michael Jordan is a prime example of how marketers can use someone’s ‘greatness’ to sell a multitude of products that to this day (despite his retirement from the sport) continues to fetch a high price and send fans lining up when old sneakers are re-released. Athletes, especially basketball stars, can have a powerful hold on the public.
Because of this, it’s easy to capitalize off of the strong influence that an athlete has over today’s younger generation. This means that higher-ups with a hidden agenda can sneakily spread their word or gain an easier acceptance without much protest from a largely unknowing general public. It’s simply an example of the elite controlling or using other members of ‘the elite’ to influence the public. If an athlete, who is becoming an increasingly popular choice for a role model of today’s youths, then the things they say, do, and support are significant in the fact that it’s playing a part in shaping the younger generation.
Below you will find a few of the Illuminati-associated actions or symbolism that basketball players in the NBA have embraced or supported:
Kobe Bryant
Kobe Bryant has always displayed not only a cocky attitude both on and off the court, but also seems to enjoy stirring controversy. It’s hard to tell if the hand gestures and symbolism that Bryant embraces has anything to do with the Illuminati, but he has become another basketball star viewed as a potential supporter of the secret society, or at least a wannabe. The above photo shows Bryant flashing a pyramid-like sign, and below you will see imagery from one of his Nike commercials. Notice the yellow triangle shape with lines that look like they signify illumination.
Lebron XI Red and Black Sneaker
Some people will say that James made the smooth transition from the Cleveland Cavs to the Miami Heat to win his first NBA championship with the help of the occult or the Illuminati. The very popular basketball star has a rather cozy relationship with suspected Illuminati member, Jay-Z. We already know that the athlete embraces a great deal of Illuminati-related symbolism during games, but one could also make a case that this symbolism is seen in Lebron James’ XI sneaker, which uses triangles (or pyramid-like) throughout the design.
Kevin Durant
Scan the multitude of tattoos found on the chest of Oklahoma City Thunder’s Kevin Durant, and the roof on a house at a quick glance has the feel of an all-seeing eye pyramid.
Jason Kidd and Chris Paul
Jay-Z has mastered the art of compelling those he comes in contact with to embrace the pyramid-like, all-seeing eye symbolism that his business logo/hand gesture represents. It seems that basketball players, such as Jason Kidd and Chris Paul, just can’t help themselves.