While there are numerous herbal ointments and creams to explore, the options allotted to the over-the-counter selections in the grocery store are pretty slim. Usually, when a manufacturer decides to create a commercial brand of some of nature’s best remedies, they tend to stick with the more popular herbs that might ring a bell with most of the public. After all, many are more inclined to rub aloe vera or pot marigold on their body than an exotic herb they have never heard of.
When looking for herbal ointments and creams to slather on your body, you might want to make a pit stop to one of the local homeopathic or New Age shops. This is where you will come across a wider selection to dabble in. There will also be more brand names to choose from and specialists that might be on site to answer any questions that you may have regarding a particular herb. Below you will find a few options to consider the next time you are plagued with a lingering skin irritation or painful burn.
Aloe Vera: This is quite the recognizable herb to turn to, which is also a popular ingredient within many favored cosmetic selections. Soothing and gentle to the skin, it works wonders on those who have been afflicted with sores or have stayed in the sun too long and are dealing with cumbersome sunburn.
Arnica: when you’ve banged up your body pretty bad to the point that bruises and injuries have formed, arnica is considered a great remedy for taking care of this type of problem. Just a word to the wise- the ointment or cream shouldn’t be used on skin that is broken.
Chickweed: When a wound has become infected, this herbal selection is great for drawing it out. Many have also found that this treatment can ease the irritation that comes with many skin conditions.
Comfrey: although this herb is restricted in an array of countries, it is still a safe remedy when used externally for ailments, such as bruises and strains.
Calendula (or Pot Marigold): This type of ointment or cream can be used as an antiseptic, as well as an antifungal. When dry skin becomes too much to bear, this is also a great remedy to explore.
Hypericum (or St Johns Wort): This herbal ointment or cream is often seen paired with calendula. It is through this type of natural treatment that minor skin problems and burns will be eradicated.
Sage: When insect bites threaten your happiness, you should know that not only does sage ointments and creams work wonders with this issue, but also is often considered a worthy all-purpose remedy for many different skin conditions.
Tea Tree: This antibacterial is quite the potent remedy when scratches and skin infections arise.
Urtica (or Stinging Nettle): When paying a visit to a homeopathic supplier, you should find this herbal ointment or cream, which is known to ease the constant irritation associated with nagging skin conditions.