Do you know the longest bug in the insect world? What insect can eat its own weight in just one day? Who is the brainiest out of all the bugs? In this article, you will encounter a hodgepodge of insect facts that include information of the caterpillar, ant, and millipede.
Walking Stick: The insect that produces the largest eggs is the walking stick, where some measure more than eight millimeters long.
Walking Stick: The walking stick is also the longest insect on record, as it can grow to reach a length of 33 centimeters.
Caterpillar: A caterpillar grows roughly 27,000 times its size when it first emerges as an egg.
Locusts: In just one day, locusts can eat their own weight in food. The average human takes ½ a year to accomplish the same task.
Monarch Caterpillar: Before they enter the chrysalis stage, the Monarch caterpillar will shed their skin four times.
Praying Mantis: The praying mantis can do something that no other insect can achieve. It is the only bug that can turn its head.
Ant: For every human living and breathing in the world, there are an estimated one million ants per person.
Ant: Wood ant workers can live between 7 and 10 years. They possess the ability to squirt acid from the end of their abdomens.
Ant: There are around 250,000 brain cells found in the brain of an ant.
Ant: The sense of smell of an ant is just as acute to that of a dog.
Ant: Some species of queen ants will lick their eggs to promote hatching.
Jungle Nymph Stick: One of the heaviest bugs in the insect world is the Jungle Nymph Stick, which can be found in Malaysia. This insect has a purpose for the locals. The bug feeds on guava leaves and their droppings are used to make tea.
Millipede: This insect possesses four legs on each segment of its body.
Ladybug: During the 1800s, ladybugs served a medicinal purpose for treating the measles and toothaches.
Ladybug: Because it is widespread that the ladybug is harmless, it is the most handled insect in the world.
Ladybug: The female ladybug has the ability to lay more than 1,000 eggs during her lifetime.
Ladybug: Since the insect creates a chemical that smells and tastes terrible, many birds and other predators don’t pursue them as a meal.
Moth: There is one species of moth whose diet relies on cow tears.
Cicada: During ancient times, cicadas were part of the diet of the Greeks, Chinese, Burmese, Australians, and even in North and South America. However, it isn’t recommended to eat a cicada because they live underground for long stretches of time, where they come in contact with a lot of mercury. Even though the level of toxins they present is very low, it’s still not a good idea.
Yellow Jacket: Be careful the next time you swat at a yellow jacket. When a yellow jacket is dying, it lets out an “alarm” pheromone that alerts its fellow mates. In less than 15 seconds, yellow jackets within a 15-foot radius will come to the aid of the victim.