Sometimes, all the background checks in the world cannot reveal what is deep down in the heart and intentions of a potential employee. However, a nursing home in Switzerland found out the hard way that one of their employees did not uphold a standard that most families of residents would deem acceptable, and that she embraced Satanic beliefs. It was also proven that she included deceased nursing home patients in her tangled web of disturbing behavior. The character of the unidentified woman finally came to light when her actions were recently noted through social media circles.
Dubbed the ‘Devil Nurse,’ a 37-year-old woman who worked part-time kitchen helper at a Swiss nursing home used her Facebook account as a way to show off images of herself that she took alongside dead nursing home residents. For her role of taking and posting pictures of the deceased without the permission of loved ones led to a 1,300 fine (in francs) – equivalent to the sum of 120 days of wages for the employee.
Not only did the part-time worker violate the privacy of the dead and use her job position to do so, but the woman also embraces a Satanic concepts. Her social media presence includes posted pictures that show her affinity for Satanic themes, including skulls and demonic artwork. She also shares photographs of herself in dominatrix clothing with instruments of torture and pain in the background.
In one revealing photo, the woman is shown outside of the workplace, where she wears a seductive plastic-like nurse outfit with the color of the Red Cross symbol being black instead of the normal red color to indicate death. She is also seen licking the blade of a very disturbing-looking large cutting instrument. It is reported that she also works as a part-time dominatrix in addition to her nursing home job.
Word spread of the nursing home employee who was posing with dead patients and uploading them onto the Internet. Captions written underneath the photos reveal her sinister, unsympathetic nature.
Below one image, it is reported that the nurse wrote: “Guess if she is asleep or dead.”
She then continues with “I’ll give you a hint, I’m the soul robber.”
“Yeah their time is up,” she writes. “Gonna send them to Hell where some belong, the rest in the compost pit for fertilizers hehehe.”
This is why the Swiss media gave her the nickname of ‘Devil Nurse.’
Users of Facebook attempted to challenge the nursing home employee’s morale character for posting the pictures, but they only received the response: “I can put anything I want in my Facebook, it’s mine.” When a daily newspaper asked the married woman about the images in question, she replied that they were ‘beautiful pictures’ and she could not understand why the photographs were causing such a stir. Facebook users aren’t the only people angry with the posting of photo – relatives are also upset, and calling for the immediate removal of the images from the Internet.
Nonetheless, the courts have convicted the ‘Devil Nurse’ of “violating the peace of the dead,” and a breach of trust.