Ever imagined the possibility of reading your Friend, Enemy or any other person’s Mind. Won’t that be awesome if we could do that? Well, Telepathy is not about reading other people’s Mind. But, is something closer to that. Before we get into its technicality lets first understand the meaning of Telepathy. Telepathy is derived from the Greek Term “tele” (Distant) and “pathe” (Feeling). Telepathy can be defined as “The psychic phenomena to communicate between minds, or mind-to-mind communication”. Communication could include message, thoughts, ideas, feelings, sensations and mental images. Telepathic existence is found in writings and oral lore. In many tribal societies telepathy is believed as a human ability, and in superior societies it is believed as an ability belonging to mystics and psychics. Even though not proven scientifically, telepathy is being progressively more studied in psychical research.
Telepathy conventionally has been accepted by religious concepts, which believes in psychic connectivity between human beings, and emphasizes rituals and principles which preside over communication toward positive human bonding.
Skeptics claim that science equates to reality, and reality has elite notion of truth. Over the years many have argued that the threads between those who witnessed and those who claimed metaphysical experiences are reasonable and plausible although not scientific explanations could be given in the idea of telepathic communication.
Science today has no explanation for telepathic phenomena; there can be no “theory of telepathy,” as all of the diverse reasoning is unacceptable to current science. Although people who believe in Telepathy disagree that the difficulty in rationalizing or proving the concept does not ebb the fact that most people have some faith in metaphysical concepts. And given the benefit of the doubt, people retain their beliefs not for the reason that they are unaware of science, but because science till today has ignored unexplainable personal experience. We need to point out the concepts such as psychology and nuclear physics, as areas of research that are considered to be deeply based in the scientific method, but have equally awkward and unexplainable associations to the physical depiction of reality.
In many instances normal people like us all have the psychic phenomena to communicate between minds. Lovers definitely can telepathically communicate. People often sense the death of a family member. Telepathy between members of the same family or close friends is common as they are accustomed to each other’s frequencies. Twins are often telepathic with each other.
Various theories have been projected to account for the fact of telepathy. Some, appealing to a supernatural view, have supposed the intervention of good or evil spirits. But the principle admitted most of the scientists is that a fact must be looked upon as natural until the contrary is proved.
To conclude it is not possible to say for sure that Telepathy does exist. But there has to be a logical reason behind these unexplainable behaviors some people have. If we do have this capability GOD can only know how we will use it. Will it be for Good or Evil. I may never know”¦”¦