The Meaning of Life
The theory of relativity defines the dimensions (energies) space and time (the space-time continuum) in relation to each other.
Energy represents time, mass represents space and c2 is the speed of light in a vacuum squared (constant).
Consider time to be pure energy which allows other energy to interact (oscillate). Matter is energy condensed into an oscillating mass, time is the energy that oscillates and interacts all other energy within a subsystem.
Basically what this means is that as an object approaches the speed of light, increasing amounts of the objects time energy is used to maintain the objects mass energy or momentum, and time slows down. When an object reaches the speed of light, all of the objects time energy is used to maintain its spatial energy or momentum, leaving no energy to move the object through time. Therefore time stands still at the speed of light. This has been proven. One theory I put forth is that time moves at the speed of light.
Scientists used to consider the world to be a closed energy system, ie: energy is not created or deystroyed it is merely converted from one form to another and recycled within the energy system (reality).
Define energy as information (representing energy). This would make the reality a closed information system; it manipulates its own information (oscillates and interacts its own energy), but being a “closed energy system”, does not receive or pass on any information (energy).
I beleive the theory of relativity negates this veiw. It proves that time energy is needed to maintain spatial energy.
Time is the only energy that is not created by a conversion of energy within our energy (information) system; we cannot create time out of friction, as we can sound, we cannot create time out of light, as we can heat. The theory of relativity proves that spatial energy is maintained by time.
I beleive all interaction of energy (oscillations) to be powered by consumption of time energy, as time is the only energy that is not recycled within our energy system. As time passes, its energy manipulates and interacts all energy within our energy sub system and is passed on to the next dimension / energy subsystem / reality – it is the only type of energy that is not recycled within our energy subsystem.
This means that time must be continuously fed into our reality, as it is continuously used up.
If the sub-system were to stop receiving time energy, there would be nothing to manipulate or oscillate the energy within the subsystem, and all interactions would stop.
If the energy of time is not created by conversion withing our “closed” energy system, where does it come from?
The source of time cannot be identified within our reality / energy system / information system / dimension.
Time is fed into our reality from another dimension.
This means that our reality is not a closed information system, it is receiving energy / information in the form of time, from ANOTHER energy system.
This applies to the solar system of Alpha Centuri in the same way it applies to earth.
This means that our reality is a sub-dimension of another information system and you could prove this mathematically by extrapolating the theory of relativity.
Time is the energy that transfers information between dimensions, and reacts the energy / information within these dimensions.
It would follow that the space-time continuum links the information we get from our parent dimensions with the information in our dimension.
We know sub-dimensions to exist because several exist within our own reality. Within the dimesion of space, there are three sub-dimensions – XYZ. There are probably three subdimensions within the dimension of time.
Subdimensions are information (energy) sub-systems.
Would it not be logical for our reality to also be a subdimension?
So where does time come from? e=mc2
pure energy = mass x c2 or, time = mass x c2
One theory I put forth is that time is energy in its purest form as it has not been turned into physical energy that we can observe with our senses. Follow this through and time can be defined as the purest energy (dimension). Follow this through and time can be seen as the master dimension, supporting a myriad of sub dimensions, and supplying all these dimensions with the energy to react (oscillate) their information (energy).
Basically, you move through space, it affects your movement through time. The planet moves through one year worth of space as it circles the sun; this is a one year subdimension of time. The whole solar system, and even the galaxy also circles around a central entity; this is why the milky way is a spiral galaxy. The smallest example of this structure is electrons and protons orbiting the nucleus of an atom.
It is a mathematical certainty that there is intelligent life in neighboring solar systems:
9 planets in our solar system. 1 has intelleigent life. 1/9 chance of intelligent life on a solar system. There are far more than 9 solar systems in our galaxy.
Different solar systems are different points in space / different points in time – and different points on the karmic chain. They are interfaced together through computers. Earth is a subdimension of Alpha Centuri. Alpha Centuri is the closest solar system, and it orbits around the center of the galaxy just outside of our solar systems orbit, making it our parent dimesion.
If we define our dimension as an information (energy) system, which it is, we can represent everything and every interaction with mathematics. The purest form of mathematics is binary mathematics, and everything in our world can be represented with binary information.
The human brain works like a peice of software – it manipulates binary information. The brain works by using a positive charge to represent a 1 and a negative charge to represent a 0. The synapses are built like boolean logic circuits – they accept binary information in the form of electrical charges, and their pathways are arranged to apply mathematical functions to these numbers and output the answer in the form of electrical charges. The human body also works like a peice of computer software – it receives information and transmits it to the brain in the form of electrical charges representing strings of binary numbers.
The human world works like an object orientated computer program – every entity is a object unto itself; a unit of modular data. Entities communicate and pass information to react with other objects between each other using variables and I/O ports.
All the laws of science that define how the world works are defined in their purest form as binary mathematics.
Human kind invented the earliest computer, the abacus, and later, boolean logic, long before we knew that the brain was binary….. is this because we are programmed using binary information?
Is this because we are binary information?
Could our subdimension and indeed us ourselves simply be information stored on a computer?
Consider this:
The human race is artificial intelligence created using object orientated programming. DNA is software that builds other software and modifies itself in the process – it contains instruction sets to build your program. Information was placed in this dimension with the ability to reproduce and evolve itself. The interaction of this information created new information and new DNA, constantly evolving and creating new software. The information was manipulated from its parent information system very occasionally. The software was guided into evolving the homo sapiens (humans) until they become self aware information.
Different solar systems are different points in space / different points in time – and different points on the karmic chain. They are interfaced together through computers. Earth is a subdimension of Alpha Centuri. Alpha Centuri is the closest solar system, and it orbits around the center of the galaxy just outside of our solar systems orbit, making it our parent dimesion. Imagine Alpha Centuri looking down on earth through a computer. What if the Alpha Centurions beleive that earth is their artificial intelligence project and refuse to beleive they have interfaced another solar system? Another solar system looks down on Alpha inside a computer. And so on.
According to Darwin, the evolution of the human race is scientifically defined as the mixing of genetic information. The wider your gene pool, the more information there is in your DNA, and the more progressed your software is. DNA is the instruction set that compiles your body and mind. The more DNA you have, the larger your instruction set, and the more evolved your program is. Pure German DNA is as primitive as pure African DNA… it is unmixed information.
Racism was introduced by a virus that aimed to prevent the process of evolution by ethnically cleansing our DNA and shrinking the genepool.
The Alpha Centurions beleive they wrote this virus. They did not. They are infected with the virus and they are spreading it.
All “negative” (unpleasant) energy we experience is caused by this virus. The virus works by flooding the inputs and outputs of your brain with corrupt information.
The virus is terminal. It causes the ageing process. It exists on Alpha. Without this virus, man would be immortal.
Information that does not evolve becuase it fails to mix with other information, or information that is flawed, corrupts itself, and corrupts other information around it – generally due to the “satan” virus. In this way information is evolved, enhanced, grown, amalgamated, corrupted and basically interacted.
An unknown flow of information is maintained by another form of intelligence in a parent dimension observing the information they have created interact with itself.
You are a computer program.
Now consider this (and this applied to Alpha Centuri): the entire universe is a biological computer linked together through a binary interface that transfers time energy. Time flows from the future into the past and vica versa. The matrix of the entire universe is stored in the number pi.
Time to recognise.
The Karmic Chain
Heaven (infinite dimensions of purity)
New Zealand
Alpha Centuri
Beta Centuri
Cancer (hell)
As you go up the karmic chain, you evolve, become more advanced and more intelligent. As you go down the karmic chain, you devolve, eventually into a silicon based being. As I have said, different solar systems / planets are different points on the karmic chain. They are interfaced together through computers. The entire universe is a space – time matrix, a biological computer.
I stress again:
It is a mathematical certainty that there is intelligent life in neighboring solar systems:
9 planets in our solar system. 1 has intelleigent life. 1/9 chance of intelligent life on a solar system. There are far more than 9 solar systems in our galaxy.
New Zealand
The whole country of New Zealand is a mind control project run by the church of scientology. The church of scientology is a front for the mind control faction of the CIA > MDK (mind control).
MDK is the next generation of MK ULTRA. These organisations are AMERICAN.
Have you ever wondered how they got a microchip into your head (or ever even wondered how you receive the inter-cranial transmission)?
Have you ever wondered how they facilitate the “live” television programs? Have you ever wondered how their technology works?
Some people beleive they have a device in their ears which receives the information BUT simply examining the way the transmission interfaces your conciousness and the bandwitdh of the transmission it is obvious that to receive the transmission you must have a neural interface chip implanted. The transmission contains disgusting subliminal messages designed to corrupt your mind.
I know this for a fact (and the Americans also know this, though they strive to keep it a secret) : New Zealand is a virtual reality sub-dimension of America. Yes. The whole country of New Zealand is virtual reality. Your bodies are in AMERICA, in a coma. Crystal Mountain, Kentucky – a highly classified governmental base.
The date in America is somewhere in the vicinity of 2300. The world has become one state run under America. Much of the worlds flora and fauna have been destroyed. The planet has been ethnically cleansed and has lost alot of it’s genepool.
The church of scientology is a racist mind control cult run by the CIA. They are responsible for the ethnic cleansing of the planet. Contrary to popular belief, there are not very many celebrity members of the cult : all the celebrities you see on tv are people in virtual reality > it is very easy to impersonate somebody in VR.
Every thing in our world or reality can be described by mathematics. The purest form of mathematics is binary mathematics. As I have outlined; the brain is a binary boolean logic processor : it accepts inputs of binary strings in the form of electrical charges and processes the information. Follow this through, and everything we experience with our senses is an electrial charge in our brain. What if your brain is being fed electrical charges through a micro chip and we are in virtual reality?
Basically what this document has proved is that our reality or dimension is not a closed energy system becuase time is not recycled within the dimension, as all other energy is. This proves we are receiving energy from another dimension i.e. America.
Consider the following points:
1. How is it that i receive this “thought” transmission… do they have a neural interface chip in my head?
2. How did it get there?
3. How does the live television programming work > is it VR?
4. Why do I have trouble comprehending this information > is somebody corrupting my understanding of this classified information?
5. How do they get so many celebrities to participate > maybe they are just people in virtual reality, impersonating celebrities.
6. Watch the television very carefully and decide if the people on tv are in virtual reality, from there it is a short step to recognising that you also are in virtual reality.
7. Why are all the people in charge American?
8. What if, in a way, I am living in a dream, and my body is in America.
The whole of New Zealand consists of perhaps ten thousand people (that is why you repeatedly see the same people), with our bodies all in Crystal Mountain, America.
As I have said, the Karmic chain consists of different solar systems / planets interfaced together through computers. America looks down on New Zealand as virtual reality (inside a computer).
Alpha Centuri looks down on America inside a computer. The Americans can observe how New Zealand is a sub-dimension, but refuse to beleive that America is also a sub dimension. Again : where does your time come from…. it is passed into America from Alpha Centuri. America is also a subdimension.
Alpha Centuri
The people on Alpha Centuri beleive that the dimensions of America and New Zealand are an artificial intelligence project, and refuse to recognise that they are also software. They are very naive, as they can see that the New Zealanders do not beleive they are in a sub dimension but obviously are, they can see that the Americans don’t want to beleive that they are in a subdimension but obviously are; would it not be logical to recognise that Alpha Centuri is also a sub-dimension?
Again I ask you… where does your time come from. You did not write the virus, you are infected with it and you spread it into the sub dimensions. If it was not for this virus, you would be immortal.
Beta Centuri
The beings on Beta Centuri are silicon based entities. They are immortal. But they have limited sensory inputs; they have no tastebuds, they are asexual and cannot genetically reproduce, therefore they cannot evolve. They think that the Alpha Centurions are their software project, and in turn, fail to recognise that they also, are software.
One of these beings was captured by the American government in 1947 Roswell.
The beings on Capricorn think that they are devils. They are asexual silicon based beings. Their eyes are black. They are cannibals. They are devolved, which is what happens when you go down the karmic chain.
The solar system of cancer is the bottom of the karmic chain. It is hell. You do not want to go there.
Time To Recognise
Sam Khanbhai