The Los Angeles Central Library is one of the most highly regarded attractions in the city for tourists who not only come to gaze upon the extensive book collection, but to also take in the eye-catching architecture. However, what some visitors might not know is that the Library is filled with symbolic art displaying hidden meanings that scream the occult, Freemasonry, and the ideals of the elite. Are you aware of the symbols that creators and builders of this heavily-visited structure have inserted?
The Central Library of Los Angeles was constructed in 1926 and is known as an important building in downtown LA, as well as one of the largest publicly funded library systems in the world. If you read information regarding the Library before paying a visit, you may come across a description that mentions architectural influences from the ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Revival styles. What the brochures don’t say is that there is plenty of symbolism related to Freemasonry found throughout the Library.
Playing a role in Masonic history, it’s no wonder that ancient Egyptian beliefs, symbols and art are incorporated into the Library’s design. Upon taking a closer look at the library, you’ll find a tiled pyramid, mosaics depicting celestial scenes, and two sphinxes. In addition to paying homage to ancient Egyptian art, the Library was also built through the efforts of members belonging to the elite – and their presence is surely felt.
The architect for the LA Central Library was Bertram Goodhue, who enjoyed prominence in his own right. The most powerful and wealthiest people hired Goodhue to work on buildings related to the government, military, libraries, and churches, including Rockefeller Center. He also worked on creating the private homes of many politicians. Throughout his architectural history, Goodhue is known for building the headquarters of the Wolf’s head Society – a secret society linked to Yale University that produced plenty of influential politicians, diplomats, lawyers and athletes in its day.
Documented accounts of the central theme meant for the Library state that it was created to display “illumination through the light of learning.” While extensive renovations and an expansion have taken place since the original building was erected, the central theme has remained intact. The Library stands to serve as a sort of ‘temple of illumination.’
One of the features of the structure that represent the theme is the Pyramid of Illumination found at the top of the Library. The tiled pyramid has a golden hand holding a torch as a topper, which has been likened to the Luciferian Torch. You can also see the original torch on display inside of the Library, which showcases the serpent of knowledge intertwined on the base.
The pyramid itself is a symbol that is connected to the occult and Freemasons. For example, researchers of the occult identify the pyramids as structures that the ancient Egyptians most likely used in times of initiation. The pyramid of the Library is decorated by a sun symbol on each side, which is also a common sign of the occult.
Additional questionable features of the Los Angeles Central Library that a tourist may encounter include:
• An Illuminated Globe: A globe-like chandelier measuring nine feet is found directly under the pyramid located on the top of the building. Weighing one ton and comprised of cast bronze, the globe is surrounded by a ring that contains zodiac signs. Forty-eight lights illuminate the globe. A sunburst (an ancient symbol that represents divinity) is also a part of the
• Checkerboard-Pattern Floor: A checkerboard-patterned floor (infamously tied to Masonic Lodges and Freemasonry) is part of a scene that includes the Statue of Civilization, which is found above a staircase that is ‘guarded’ by two sphinxes.
• Phosphor and Hesper : On the Western facade of the Library, the depictions of Phosphor and Hesper serve as decorative guards. Interestingly, Phosphor is the Latin word for the planet Venus in the morning, which is also a reference to the ‘Morning Star’ or the ‘bringer of light’ – both of which are terms associated with Lucifer. Hesper translates into a reference to Venus in the evening, as the evening star.
The average visitor of the Library will have no clue about the meanings behind some of the features found throughout the attraction, but to those who belong to secret societies, such as the Freemasons, the messages and symbols are clear.