The Logic of Life and Living Nature
A Knowledge that can Save Earth and Humanity from War, Terrorism and Impending Self Destruction
The World is in the brim of Great Disasters arising from lack of true knowledge of nature. Let us awaken to Truth and Life. Lets us Live and Let Live
1] Life seems to survive taking constant input from the material environment and the flow in it.
2] Life is known to be instinctively opposite to matter ”“ second law of thermodynamics applied to living system and material system proves this opposition
3] Material environment and its flow is guided by non-equilibrium [note – gravity is based on the assumption of non equilibrium. Further flow is fundamental to nature and all flow requires non-equilibrium]
4] Logically then life that survives in it should have some form of equilibrium, which it is trying to protect constantly.
5] The possible way by which life survives is to open up and release the forces acting it to the opposite side. In other words when the environment winds the life unwinds and when environment unwinds the life winds.
6] Since matter is made of particle and wave, it means if one tries to trace the foundation of life one should end up in a particle that has an associated wave with it. Everything else [the body and functions] should be built around this particle as a product of survival instinct and is maintained by the wave. See article –
Self-Organizing Nature of Life
7] The environment and energy flow in nature is designed in two phases, in one it unwinds is followed by a winding phase. Just observe the day and night cycle ”“ Is article The Living Nature of Earth or
Earth a Heart
8] Since all matter is composed of energy, life also should be enfolded form of energy. Energy is basically of two types potential and kinetic and what moves between them is life.
These eight fundamental and logical facts expanded will gives the quantum secret of the energy transfer, in the living and universe and unfold the great secrets of life and nature. It completes what the physical scientist and spiritual scientist are seeking from nature,
What is Pulse? ”“ The Physics of Breath
Pulse is the breath it is the “pneuma” or the spirit that support life. It is what that perceives and moves and is the cause for the manifestation of the wave. It has two phases in one the “pneuma”, perceives and accepts the external energy/matter or centripetal force and then reacts to self sustain the system. It escapes it self into the particle or the body and does the act of balancing the system on completion of the act it returns to the original state. They form the two states of the spirit, the inhaling and exhaling phase.
Let me explain it in a fundamental manner and sensible manner. The existence of equilibrium system in a non-equilibrium system separates the non-equilibrium system into two, a right and left. One of them is dominant the other is recessive such that a flow occurs. Now the non-equilibrium system forms the body and the living system forms the soul [see secret or science of soul] with in it exist the “pneuma” or the “spirit”. The soul wishes that the body does not stress it and lead it self to death, a
thus exist not to seek the center. The soul wishes that the body
in tune with the soul for ever. But in reality and by design it gets stressed. Which makes it essential that body need to be created again and again. The secret of time, creation and existence exist in this simple truth.
Imagine here a bubble inside a circular flexible vessel filled with a fluid. By the fundamental law of nature, that is non-equilibrium the whole system should have left and right, one being dominant the other being recessive. [The imagination of equal opposite makes the system impotent and incapable of any action and reaction] This invariably means the bubble, exists placed to the recessive side. Considering right as dominant the bubble exists in the left. The instinct of the system wishes that the body did not stress the center. But by design the body controlled by the mind does. As this winding stress peaks, the bubble escapes from the center allowing the separation to break down, with no center the opposing forces one dominant the other clashes and cross each other and directs them selves to the periphery in other words unwinds, creating space at the center enabling the bubble to return. This is the simple “Physics of Breath” Or the “Truth of Pneuma”. The information and body is destroyed and recreated out of this process to form a cycle or pulse.
This is the foundation of life. The pneuma is rooted in the heart, but its not the heart, it is the controller of the heart and life. It is different from the body but exist one with it and spread through out it. It is the spirit that
gives instantaneous perception or communication
and initiates the action that gives life. It is the fluid that connects the parts into one whole instantaneously. The heart and body are the two realities of life; the mind simply is illusionary center that mediates the control. Reality can never be perceived by the mind.
This simple physics of breath is reflected in all the parts and the whole. From an individual particle of light to all the system it forms in space. [The
Design and Principle
is explained in the site] With in this simple physics the mystery of life and the living cosmos exist. The Self sustaining and Self-organization process of life originates as the product of the systems instinct to maintain certain balance in relation to the living cosmos and or environment and energy changes in it. The environment or the whole universe in which life exist it self is living and pulsating. The proof of it is given in the article “
Earth a Heart
”, “
Instantaneous Communication
”. Every life that exists within it struggles to maintain a relative state with the pulse of the living universe. Within certain limits the system self-sustains, when pushed to the limit it goes into self-organization.
It is the basis of mitotic and meiotic replication of information and perpetuation of information. All the biological system self sustains through mitotic division. It conquers time and initializes it self through reduction and mixing, where in the substance of the father hides its masculine nature and leaves its body and enters the mothers to create a new body out of the old.
Does the universe use this simple technique to conquer time and initialize it self? Logically it should. The ancient spiritual knowledge speaks the Truth. The “
Secret of God
” exists in it. Only this spiritual truth understood in all its glory can save this earth of ours, our living abode, which is full of war, terrorism, destruction and leading itself into to self-annihilation. The return to order from the disorder we humans have created by breaking the law of the consciousness exists in the perception of this simple “Truth of Pneuma” or the “Spirit of Life”. I don’t know how much more blood and precious life need to be shed to attain this simple Truth that exist next to our skin.
Note – “Pneuma” is a Greek word that represents wind or breath. In Sanskrit it represent the “Atman”. In Latin it is known as “Spiritus” or “Anima” and in Russian “Duh”
Explore the Site. Important article are
Earth a Heart ”“ Inventing the Reality to Nature
Self-Organizing Life and Cosmos
The Secret of Soul and the Living Universe
The Dance of Nature ”“ The Quantum Dance
Instantaneous Communication
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