Ask most people who the world’s best psychics are and
they will probably name the ones they have last seen on television,
people like Sylvia Brown or John Edwards. I want to point out that a
syndicated television show or regular appearances on Montel Williams do
not necessarily equate to great psychic ability. In fact it may mean
that these people are better at marketing themselves than they are at
using the psychic faculties of their minds.
The truth of the
matter is that the world’s best psychics are people you have never
heard of. Some of the world’s best psychics are farmers, plumbers,
students, and people just like you. They may not publicize their
psychic abilities; actually it is quite common for many people with
psychic abilities to keep the fact a secret. Most people fear ridicule
and it is a sad fact that psychic abilities still have a stigma
attached to them.
Some people who have exhibited incredible
psychic abilities are placed into special secret government
experimental programs. These people are isolated from the public, kept
under military guard and studied for possible military and espionage
purposes. In the past individuals like this have exhibited the ability
to psychically transport material from one location to another, exert
control over time and space and cause physical damage to another human
being using psychic means across a great distance. It is easy to see
why these people are never heard of even though the may be some the
greatest psychics ever to walk the earth.
In China today there is
an active and growing psychic research program in place, in what
Chinese researchers refer to as EHF or Exceptional Human Functions. The
psychics involved in research programs such as this are rarely known by
the public. China is not alone in conducting secret psychic research
programs. A classified program focusing on psychic remote viewing took
place in the US for many years until it was made public and
discontinued in the 1990’s. Only a few years ago, the US Air Force
applied for 7.5 million dollars in funding to study psychic
teleportation. One has to wonder what type of covert research programs
are underway right now in the US and what abilities such programs may
be studying.
Today’s most popular psychics appear on national
radio shows and make failed predictions or appear on Larry King and
attempt to refute skeptical analysis of their abilities. Meanwhile
psychics of vast ability are the subject of secret government and
military experiments into the control of matter, the manipulation of
time and the expansion of awareness beyond the physical realm. And you
will never hear their names mentioned on TV.
Jeffry R. Palmer is an Intuitive Advisor, author and researcher who offers psychic readings by email from his website Psychic Clairvoyant Readings |