Rapper Jay-Z has his hands in various money-making pots and collaborates on many different levels in the business world, which includes representing athletes, signing music artists, and influencing the fashion industry. While some of his business ventures are well-known to many, such as his suspected Illuminati puppet, Rihanna, others are lesser known to the greater public, such as his partnership with the Three Six Zero Group as stated on Jay-Z’s Roc Nation website.
The Three Six Zero Group is a global entertainment company that offers services in artist management, music publishing, recording, and production. They announced a partnership with Roc Nation in 2011, and have been working together ever since to market their music artists, host charity functions, and organize other music-related events in both the United States and in London. The Three Six Zero website identifies three places of business with offices in New York City, London, and Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.
In 2007, the first client to sign with the Three Six Zero Group was Calvin Harris, and the company would later add deadmau5, Nero, Hurts, and Sasha to their roster. As a side note, Harris reportedly had a romantic relationship with British singer Rita Ora, an artist on Jay-Z’s Roc Nation team who some suspect is a victim of sex kitten programming often related to the music entertainment industry.
What is most interesting about the company before ever learning a single thing about Three Six Zero is its logo. Jay-Z just can’t seem to get away from the triangle shapes that resemble the illuminated pyramids of Egypt. As you will later see, the logo for Three Six Zero incorporates a triangle as its central feature. Triangles (or pyramid-like symbolism) also figure heavily into the website for the Three Six Zero Group. As for the meaning behind the company’s name, Three Six Zero does signify the number 360, as in 360 degrees, as in to come full circle, but if you take a closer look at the name…Three Six also translates into ‘666’ – maybe a pure coincidence, but something to think about nonetheless.
As soon as you visit the website for Three Six Zero, you are greeted by background images depicting an assortment of people that change on a rotating basis. In the center, you will find the logo, but the fractured separation of the background imagery always produces a triangle in the forefront that represents the main visual that the site would like to highlight. In the collection of rotating images, three of them will certainly raise an eyebrow, as they all represent questionable, deliberate concepts. You can’t help but to wonder that it is NOT a coincidence that all of these images appear on the site.
Glaring symbolism found on the home page of Three Six Zero’s website includes:
• Single-eye Symbolism – One of the background images depicts a man wearing an American flag sweater; not only is he embracing single-eye symbolism, but is using an eyeball no less to make his statement.
• Mickey Mouse Programming – In one of the rotating images, a small Mickey Mouse character is shown – certainly drumming up thoughts of Mickey Mouse programming – a type of mind control directed towards the younger generation.
• Eye of Horus – Within the triangular shape of the website, the image of a man’s face is positioned in such a way that his eye is perfectly situated at the top of the pyramid-like symbolism. This vision screams Eye of Horus, Illuminati pyramid.