As we dig deeper into the Australian way of treating ailments with herbs, you will encounter selections, such as the Australian Wattle with many different species that tackles medical concerns, such as diarrhea and colds. In this article, you will also learn which bush herb to seek out when skin sores surface or when facing a bad case of asthma.
Australian Wattle
When it came to significant sources of Aboriginal medicine, a variety of acacia and wattle trees helped elevate methods of treatment. In the case of Australian Wattle, the bark and leaves were used to create a wide-range of medical relief. When headaches arose, A. ancistrocarpa was used as a natural treatment. To ease the symptoms of colds, coughs, and laryngitis, A. holosericea served as a decent remedy.
Lastly A. decurrens was used as an astringent that effectively aided bleeding concerns and slowed discharges of mucous. With the ashes of various acacias, Aborigines used the ingredients to create poultices that soothe arthritic pain. Many different acacia extracts were used to create an array of infusions and decoctions. Some of the common ailments Australian Wattle was used to treat include diarrhea, colds, and sore throats.
Throughout the South Pacific, many different varieties of spurge have been used to create herbal remedies. Specifically, the plants were deemed effective against skin sores and respiratory ailments. In Australia, E. hirta treated bronchial disorders and coughs, while E. glauca (also known as Maori spurge) was used to generate infusions that treated skin sores. In the West, the pills that come from the plant are used to create infusions and decoctions, which prove quite beneficial in treating asthma patients. Many have also found positive results when using spurge as an infusion to treat skin sores (when prepared as a wash).
New Zealand Tea Tree
The seed capsules, leaves, and seeds of New Zealand Tea Tree have brought about positive strides in the medical world. When working with the leaves of manuka, you might be able to extract some of the properties associated with a former tea. The seeds have since found use in Hawaii for the treatment of diarrhea, while a bark infusion of kanuka was taken as a calming sedative. The bark decoction and seed capsules have also found a place in treating diarrhea and dysentery.
New Zealand Tea Tree possesses astringent and antimicrobial properties. Some say proceed with caution, as some believe there is a connection with gastric ulcers when taking this herb. L. scoparium contains an insecticide that shows promise in removing intestinal worms. When turning to the extracts, a decent treatment for infections, fevers, and sores is found.
Emu Berry
The leaves and fruit associated with the Emu Berry plant are included in the category of helpful bush herbs. There are several different kinds of herb that have served as both herbal treatment options and a source of food. The emu berry was a tasty treat that was eaten by inhabitants, while the root and bark were used to prepare astringent and anti-inflammatory natural medicines. To experiment with such a remedy, consider decoctions and macerations that aid in easing the symptoms of diarrhea, discharges, and inflamed parts of the body.