When the neck muscles sustain a certain level of stress, a headache known as a tension headache may arise. If you are able to reach a point of relaxation, these symptoms may fade. One of the key signs that you are suffering from a tension headache is pain that throbs in the front part of your head. The aerial parts of skullcap can be used to relax and restore the central nervous system. The herb also acts as a sedative.
When administering this herbal cure, you should prepare the herb within a tincture or infusion. If you’d like to calm the nerves, you can mix 45ml of skullcap tincture with 5 ml of lemon balm, which can be taken up to four times a day (5ml each dose).
The aerial parts of wood botany can be used as a sedative as well, which also has a tendency to stimulate the circulation about the brain. If anxiety and stress is prominent, you will also be able to use this herb to your advantage. Infusions and tinctures are used to administer this herb, which can also be combined with lavender, St. Johns wort and skullcap to create a more powerful sedative. If you are pregnant, you should avoid taking high doses of this herb.
Neuralgia is a condition that is characterized by severe pain that appears in a burning or stabbing manner. The bulk of the sensations are felt about the majority of facial nerves. Some people experience neuralgia after being exposed to cold weather or a drafty room. The condition may also occur after one has suffered an injury.
The symptoms associated with neuralgia include an intense pain that is rather localized in nature. Sections of skin located close to the site of pain will also be sensitive to the touch. Once you have suffered from this condition, you also run the risk of reoccurrences.
The essential oil and fruit of the lemon treats neuralgia by proving a cooling effect that also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Rubbing a slice of fresh lemon or lemon juice onto affected areas will ease the symptoms. Also, lemon oil that is well diluted will do the trick, but keep in mind that the oil may cause irritation so you should use no more that 5 drops per 25 ml of carrier oil.
The flowering tops and aerial parts of St John’s wort acts as a repairer and restorer of the nervous system. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties. This herb can be taken as an infusion. Infused oil can also be applied to the external parts of affected areas. When you add lavender and skullcap to the infusion, you might be able to calm the nerves. You should also keep in mind that the herb has been known to cause dermatitis after your skin has been exposed to sunlight.
Vervian provides a sedative and restorative property that works wonders to the nervous system. Create a decoction from the herb, which can be used as a compress. Additional ways that the herb can be used includes ointments, infusions, and tinctures. When pregnant, you should refrain from the use of this herb.