Continuing the exploration of using spices and seasoning to treat medical concerns (like night sweats, menstrual pain, and sore throats , take a look at this article, which mentions the healing powers of sage, thyme, cinnamon, fennel, and mint.
In following traditions, you will find that sage has a reputation for treating the elderly who are experiencing issues with their memory. The Chinese have also shown interest in the spice. The leaves and root of the plant are used to make herbal remedies, including:
Infusion (Leaves): improves the function of the digestive system, stimulates the liver, encourages circulation, and relieves the night sweats that accompany menopause
Tincture (Leaves): menopausal concerns and is sometimes prescribed to combat the salivating that comes with Parkinson’s disease
Cream (Leaves): minor skin sores, insect bites, scrapes
Mouthwash (or Gargle) (Leaves): sore throat, tonsillitis, mouth ulcers, gum disease, ulcers
Hair Rinse (Leaves): dandruff and possible restore the color in graying hair
Decoction (Root): menstrual pain, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease
In ancient times, the Romans would burn the plant as a way to keep scorpions away, which was one of their beliefs. The essential oil and aerial parts are used to make the following natural treatments:
Infusion (Aerial Parts): stomach chills, chest infections, irritable bowel
Tincture (Aerial Parts): Treats the diarrhea that comes with stomach chills and can be used as an expectorant for infections of the chest
Gargle (Aerial Parts): sore throats
Syrup (Aerial Parts): coughs and lung infections
Essential Oil: insect bites, infected wounds, arthritic conditions, weakness
Chest Rub (Essential Oil): Mix with almond or sunflower oil to create a rub that battle chest infections
Massage Oil: strained muscles and rheumatic pains
It is the bark, twigs, and essential oil of cinnamon that is used to combat chronic infections, as well as get the circulatory system going. A few remedies to consider include:
Decoction (Bark): chronic diarrhea, weakened kidneys
Tincture (Bark): colds and chills
Powder (or Capsules) indigestion and treats kidney malfunction
Inhalation (Essential Oil): coughs and irritation of the respiratory system
Massage Oil: stomach chills, diarrhea, and abdominal colic
Decoction (Twigs): colds, stomach chills, circulatory problems
Compress (Twigs): arthritis and rheumatic pain
To improve their eyesight, ancient Romans used fennel. Medieval times saw fennel as a way to prevent stomach grumbling. It is the seeds, root, and essential oil that are used for herbal remedies. A few to consider include:
Infusion (Seeds): digestive tonic, flatulence, indigestion, colic, and other digestive woes
Decoction (Seeds): stomach chills, abdominal pain, colic
Tincture (Seeds): laxative
Mouthwash (or Gargle)” The seeds also create an infusion that is gargled to treat loose teeth, gum disorders, laryngitis, and sore throats..
The aeriel parts and essential oil of mint is used to treat the following medical concerns:
Infusion (Aerial Parts): nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, colic, flatulence, feverish conditions, and migraine headaches
Tincture (Aerial Parts): nausea, motion sickness, indigestion, colic, flatulence, feverish conditions, and migraine headaches
Compress (Aerial Parts): combats inflamed joints, battle rheumatic symptoms
Inhalation (Aerial Parts): nasal congestion
Wash (Essential Oil): skin irritations, itchy burns, inflammations, ringworm, scabies, and mosquito repellent
Inhalation (Essential Oil): When leaving two to three drops of oil in a saucer at night, you can combat nasal congestion throughout the night.
Massage Oil: headaches, menstrual pain, and relieves congested milk in breastfeeding mothers.