Dolphins cure infantile cerebral paralysis best
Experts have already picked up three dolphins for treatment
A unique therapeutic section is to be opened soon at the Moscow dolphinarium. Children suffering from different neurologic diseases will be now swimming in a separate swimming pool so that doctors could focus more on these patients.
The Moscow branch of the Utrisgsky dolphinarium told the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper that until recently doctors managed to devote just a couple of hours a week to patients suffering from infantile cerebral paralysis. As a rule, patients and doctors depended upon dolphin performances in the main pool, the one that suited for procedures with children.
Now, the pools of the dolphinarium are being reconstructed so that dolphins could treat patients. The walls and the bottom of the pool will be covered with special plastic film. The walls of the room will be decorated with waterproof plastic panels and painted with colored dolphins.
Experts have already picked up three Tursiops truncatus dolphins for treatment; now they are staying at the basic Utrishsky dolphinarium in the resort city of Gelendjik at the Black Sea.
Unlike dolphins taking part in pool performances, therapeutic dolphins must be easy for contacting people. This makes experts be very careful with the choice of such therapeutic dolphins. This is astonishing that three dolphins of one family – mother, father and son dolphins – have been recognized the best therapeutists. They will be delivered to Moscow in 1.5 months when the reconstructed swimming pool is to open.