When exploring the many different types of dreams, there are basically seven categories that they fall under. You can separate a dream into the following sections, including daydreams, lucid dreams, nightmares, recurring dreams, prophetic dreams, as well as epic dreams. In this article, you will find out the difference between each one, as well as fascinating facts regarding dreams and dreaming.
A daydream can take up an average of 70-120 minutes throughout a day. Day dreaming is thought of as a level of consciousness that places a person between a state of being awake, as well as being asleep. This is the time when the imagination is left to do its work. The mind begins to wander off before drifting to a deep slumber, decreasing the level of awareness until the mind escapes into a full fledge fantasy.
A lucid dream involves the realization that you are actually in the middle of a dream. Most people wake themselves from this state of dreaming, while others remain in this state where they then take part in the outcome of the dream without awakening.
One of the disturbing aspects of a dream is when it turns into a nightmare. This is when the dreamer is left feeling anxious, as well as scared. Real life situations can add fuel to a fiery nightmare, but there are many different types of nightmares to consider. When a person exhibits a regular behavior of having nightmares, they may be reacting to bad experiences that they may encounter on a daily or fairly regular basis. Nightmares can also be triggered by outside influences, such as watching a scary movie or experiencing a near-death encounter.
Recurring dreams are dreams that an individual will have over and over again with little or no change in regards to the theme or storyline. Some of these dreams are positive, while others are often terrible nightmares that disrupt the dreamer’s slumber. Recurring dreams may end when a solution to a problem within the life of the dreamer has been found.
Sometimes a dreamer may experience a dream that gives them a message in regards to their health. The subject of these dreams usually involves a visit to a doctor or dentist. These are referred to as healing dreams. Prophetic dreams are those that are believed to foresee the future dealing with the unconscious minds’ sense of what may happen in real life before it actually does occur.
Epic dreams are those that are long, deep and quite illustrated where after you awake, the details are fresh in your mind. Some of the elements within the dream can leave such an imprint that you can recall the gist of it for years to come.
Below you will find a few interesting facts regarding dreams and dreaming:
1) 1/3 of a human’s life is spent sleeping, where six years would have been spent dreaming.
2) Even if you do not recall any of your dreams, everyone dreams at one point in their life.
3) An absence of dream activity can signal a deficiency in protein or a personality disorder.
4) Blind people have the ability to dream. Depending on the age when the dreamer became blind, determines the extent of the visual aspect of their dreams. Other senses are used when anyone dreams, including sounds and smells.
5) At the end of a dream, it takes five minutes for half of the details to be forgotten. Ten minutes later and 90% of the dream is gone.
6) Some studies conducted on brain waves show that sometimes they are much stronger during a period of dreaming than they are when someone is awake.
7) When a person is snoring, they are unable to dream.
8) Déjà vu is a common aspect of dreaming. 60% of dreamers will probably experience this.