Whether you’d like to learn about magick or a specific form of Wicca, you don’t have to rely on books and other resources. There are many different ways to study magick online , a handful of institutions have been established with this purpose in mind. In this article, you will learn about two online opportunities that focus on Wicca and wizardry.
Witch School
If you are looking to learn more about Correllian Wicca, the Witch School has been teaching students since 2001. This for-profit online religious school offers a curriculum of required classes and electives for those interested in obtaining a degree or achieving possible ordination. Students learn through a written online format. They take automated tests and complete automated assignments. The amount of student and teacher interaction that takes place is minimal.
The website offers forums, videos, photos, and opportunities to purchase Witch School related products, including T-shirts, mugs and tote bags. There is an e-newsletter called the Correllian Herald and an e-magazine called the Correllian Times.
To check out what the Witch School has to offer, visit their website at www.witchschool.com. Some of the features you will find at the online school is the Library (access to brochures and booklets), Lyceum (where you will find video telecourses), and Community (where you can connect with other students through blogs, photos and videos).
The Grey School of Wizardry
Teaching magick and arcane lore, the Grey School of Wizardry is a non-profit learning institution that embraces students from all religious backgrounds. Founded in 2004, the curriculum offers seven levels of required and elective classes. In the end, a student can earn a certificate of Journeyman Wizardry. In addition to written online class instruction, online forums serve as a supplement to the learning. A wide range of homework assignments is given. One moment you could be writing an essay, while the next is spent taking photographs. Other examples of assignments include creating videos, podcasts, web pages or blogs.
There is a great deal of student teacher interaction. The majority of assignments and most tests are actually graded by hand. Students will also receive individual response to their work. Face-to-face instruction is also offered during the summertime. Summer Conclaves are held during the weekend. Sometimes, they include longer outdoor assemblies. Throughout the year, daylong meetings centered n magickal study called Moots are held.
A recent offering of the Grey School is a Magister program that permits adult students to take an unlimited number of classes at the school from all levels without the limitations of the structured Apprenticeship program. Magisters are not eligible to receive a Journeyman Certificate, but will be able to take part in many of the aspects of being a student at the school.
Some of the departments of study include Nature Studies, Divination, and Healing. If you are interested in learning about wizardry, the Grey School of Wizardry has a website at http://www.greyschool.com/.