Just when you thought the legend of the Loch Ness Monster was a hoax or a figment of many imaginations, new video supposedly taken in Scotland is said to reveal that a Loch Ness-like “monster” was captured on film. It is believed that possible footage exists that will prove the once-thought of mythical icon really does dwell in the waters of one of the most intriguing bodies of water in Scotland.
A 55-year-old lab technician from Shipley, Yorkshire is the lucky witness, who happened to have a video camera on hand when he captured the image of a jet-black creature that appeared close to 45 feet long. It was Gordon Holmes who has described the sighted critter as moving quite fast in the water, as he looked on , at first thinking he was watching the movements of a large eel.
The video has been taken to a Loch Ness Monster enthusiast, who is also a marine biologist. In the coming months, it is Adrian Shine’s hope that a proper analysis can be made. But can we really wait that long? At first sight, Shine has confessed that despite being somewhat of a skeptic, he will confirm that it is some of the best footage he has ever set his eyes on.
Holmes calculates the speed that the supposed Loch Ness Monster was traveling at was around 6 mph and that the creature maintained a course that was fairly steady. It’s a good thing he didn’t go with his first impression of it being a “very big eel” because the serpent-like features of the eel are known to have been sighted many times throughout the Loch Ness. The entire thought of such a creature has been shadowed in myth, as the Loch Ness body of water that supposedly serves as its home is also considered a fascinating sight in its own right. As the largest inland body of water in Britain, it is deeper than the North Sea, as it measures close to 750 feet to the bottom.
As many theories surface as to what Holmes actually saw, a slew of possible explanations concerning the loch includes the notion that a biological creatures fitting the description of the Loch Ness Monster has appeared, where many physical anomalies have been known to occur in nature. Others believe the sighting could possibly be the way the waves were moving at the time of the supposed sighting, where a handful believe that some people fall victim to seeing what they want to see in a scenario.
The tale surrounding the Loch Ness Monster tale can be traced back to 565 AD when one of the founders of the Christian Church in Scotland wrote about the legends centered on a Scottish monster. St. Columba may have been the first to pen a record of the sightings. In more recent times, more than 4,000 Loch Ness Monster sightings have been reported, ever since the first sighting was said to have taken place during the 1930s. Many hoped that they would someday soon catch a glimpse of what could be a distant cousin of the dinosaur since Nessie is believed to carry these same characteristics.