Table printed from World Book INFORMATION FINDER.
Many gods and goddesses of Greek mythology held similar positions in
Roman mythology. For example, each mythology had a goddess of love.
The Greeks called her Aphrodite. The Romans called her Venus. The
table below lists the most important Greek and Roman divinities.
Greek Roman Position
Aphrodite Venus Goddess of love
Apollo Apollo God of light, medicine and poetry
Ares Mars God of war
Artemis Diana Goddess of hunting and childbirth
Asclepius Aesculapius God of healing
Athena Minerva Goddess of crafts, war, and
Cronus Saturn In Greek mythology, ruler of the
Titans and father of Zeus; in
Roman mythology, also the god of
Demeter Ceres Goddess of growing things
Dionysus Bacchus God of wine, fertility, and wild
Eros Cupid God of love
Gaea Terra Symbol of the earth and mother and
wife of Uranus
Hephaestus Vulcan Blacksmith for the gods and god of
fire and metalworking
Hera Juno Protector of marriage and women.
In Greek mythology, sister and
wife of Zeus; in Roman
mythology, wife of Jupiter
Hermes Mercury Messenger for the gods; god of
commerce and science; and
protector of travelers, thieves,
and vagabonds
Hestia Vesta Goddess of the hearth
Hypnos Somnus God of sleep
Pluto, or Hades Pluto God of the underworld
Poseidon Neptune God of the sea. In Greek
mythology, also god of
earthquakes and horses
Rhea Ops Wife and sister of Cronus
Uranus Uranus Son and husband of Gaea and father
of the Titans
Zeus Jupiter Ruler of the gods
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