The second paragraph on her front page reads “As we summon more Source energy through our desire to evolve as humans and as a planet, and as the planet and its inhabitants continue to elevate in vibrational frequency through a planetary repositioning in the universe, a convergence is created in perfect alignment, and our natural evolution results. Through a passion and joy of expressing what is occurring at the highest levels, Karen Bishop brings to you through Whats Up On Planet Earth?”
One of the most influential pieces I have found in her pages is “Message From The Star Beings”. This sniplet is filled with hope and light, and has the power to bring comfort to the timid. Many choose to focus on the negative effects that will engulf the world in the upcoming years, but Karen is here to remind us that the long term effects will be magnificent.
Message from the star beings
“As we observe your progress on the planet Earth, we watch in awe.
Thank you Karen for your continuing efforts to help humanity make the upcoming transformation with love in their hearts.