In recent history the United States has been hit with a number of economic downfalls and cuts to programs that all reflect the overarching problem of a national debt out of control, a lack of jobs, and a miasma of other issues that paint a grim picture of our potential prospects. Already key analysts have warned that we may be looking at an economic disaster that may border on fevered economic collapse territory similar to that seen in the great depression. And now Representative Roscoe Bartlett has come forward with a warning to begin moving away from the cities.
During the Great Depression different groups found themselves combating the national poverty in different ways at different locations. The cities quickly gained a reputation as one of the locations that were hardest hit as images of long lines in front of soup kitchens made their way into papers and eventually into history books. Meanwhile, smaller agricultural communities were said to be easier to keep afloat with fewer people and the demand for food not lowering.
But is this portrayal, and the warning from congressman Bartlett accurate? Or is there a different side to this story? Though the cities did have their share of troubles during The Great Depression, rural areas were often hit with equal but different problems.
So where would the best locations to prepare for an upcoming economic catastrophe be? While experts don’t agree, there are several different suggestions. University towns have been suggested as one longterm location to attempt to live out until financial woes globally subside. But just as with the housing and internet tech bubbles, there are rumors that an education bubble is fast approaching and may one day burst. ABC 20/20 recently did a special on the subject of changing perceptions of college and whether or not it is a good investment. And an even more recent documentary from the NIA called college a scam.
But while analysts look carefully into the idea of a looming economic depression and a worsening of current conditions, the possibilities for preparation seem limited. But elected officials such as Congressman Bartlett are painting a grim picture of the future. But are they right? Are things truly as grim as they depict/ Or is this simply more sensationalist ocnjecture run amok under the guise of fact?
As we prepare for July 4th, we can look back on the history of the United States and along with it all the collaborations to try to get some semblance of reason behind this current crisis. But the deeper we look, the more complex and layered it appears leading some to suggest a simple question like where in the country we are will not be enough to stop the problem. Still, others are certain that there will be oases where the economy is less linked to the outside and will as a result be able to have more control over its own stability. Only time will be able to reveal this, however.