Many prophecies and predictions have taken place about the end of the world. Ever since ancient days, a great deal of beliefs has originated by reading the Good Book. In this article, you will learn some of the predictions made over the years, as well as accompanying scriptures that pinpoint the religious significance of such claims.
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When focusing on the literal interpretation of the New Testament (also known as the Christian Scriptures), some feel that a handful of predictions were offered by Jeshua of Nazareth (Jesus Christ). When using the Bible as a record of Jesus’ predictions, you could conclude that God’s Kingdom would become known in a brief period of time or that it was in the process of arriving.
In Matthew 16:28, he is recorded as saying “…there shall be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.” Another detail used to support this belief is Matthew 24:34, where it states: “…This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” These kinds of passages have led people to interpret that Jesus predicted his coming sometime during the 1st century CE, but it did not take place.
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The literal interpretation of the writings belonging to Epistles of Paul of Tarsus seem to suggest that Jesus would return and launch a rapture that would take place during the lifetime of Christian that were still alive during the middle of the 1st century.
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Saint Clement I makes a prediction that the world would cease to exist at any moment.
Declaring himself the “Spirit of Truth,” a man named Montanus claims to be the personification of the Holy Spirit, which was mentioned in the Gospel of John as the one who would reveal all truth. Gathering his followers, Montanus had a couple of prophetesses, who claimed to have the ability to have vision and other religious experiences that supposedly came from God. There was a prediction that Jesus would return sometime during their lifetime and create the New Jerusalem was made by prophets and prophetesses of the Montanist movement. They believed that the New Jerusalem would reside in the city of Pepuza in Asia Minor.
Lactantius Firmianus, who was given the nickname of “Christian Cicero,” gave the prediction that “The fall and ruin of the world will soon take place, but it seems that nothing of the kind is to be feared as the city of Rome stands intact.” Sadly, Rome fell in AD 410.