In this article, we will continue the exploration of terms associated with the Wiccan religion, including Hereditary Witch, Threefold Law, and Wiccan Rede.
Hereditary Witch , When a witch has picked up his or her skills in witchcraft from their family members, this is the term used to refer to them.
Hwata , In Seax Wicca, this term is used to refer to divination (also known as fortune telling).
Magick , Within the circles of Neo-Pagans and Wiccans, this is the common way of spelling ‘magic,’ which was first coined by the occultist Aleister Crowley, who wanted to come up with a way to make the distinction between what he saw as real magic and the stage magic that was performed in front of audiences.
Ordo Templi Orientis , With ties to Freemasonry, this occult group was founded by Aleister Crowley and became one of the main influences of Gerald Gardner , the founder of Wicca.
Proper Person , No, this isn’t someone who minds their manners, but is the name given to an individual that seeks an initiation into a coven. This is required before one can become a part of one under the practices of Alexandrian Wicca. Some of the qualifications that the title embodies include maturity and possession of ethics. One must also have the right intentions (or motivations) before being considered.
Skyclad , This term can be used as both a noun and an adjective. It is used to refer to those who practice their rituals without wearing any clothing. To this day, many still practice in this way, paying homage to a system taught by Wicca founder, Gerald Gardner.
Tabard , In Seax Wicca, this is the name given to the ritual robe that highlights the name of the practitioner, and showcases the Seax symbol.
Threefold Law , This is the ethical doctrine associated with Wiccan that any deeds that one has committed (whether they are good or bad) will come back upon the doer threefold , much like ‘what comes around, goes around,’ but much more intense.
Tradition , This term refers to a branch of Wicca. Examples of a tradition include Gardenrian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, and Seax Wicca , all of which are major traditions.
Traditional Wicca , Sometimes referred to as ‘TW,’ this type of Wicca makes reference to a variety of Wiccan covens that base their teaching on the kind of Wicca religion established by Gerald Gardner, which focused on coven (over solitary practitioners) and who can trace their lineage to that of Gardner. In Europe, traditional Wicca is used as another way to refer to Alexandrian Wicca.
Wiccan Rede , This term refers to the Wiccan ethical code that states “If it harm none, do what you will.”
Witch , Any individual (regardless of their gender) that practices witchcraft.
Witchcraft , Used to refer to the practice of attempting to use supernatural powers as a way to control the outcome of events or the actions of people. Usually, this practice involves magic or sorcery. All Wiccans practice witchcraft.