First, you learned a bit about the founder of Scientology. Then, you encountered information on some of the main points of the religion. Now, you can read up on some of the terms you will find regarding Scientology if you should continue reading up on the subject.
ARC: Stands for Affinity, Reality and Communication. This term refers to a love, positive feeling or friendliness that a Scientologist will feel towards another. When a riff in this friendship occurs, it is not referred to as a “fall-out,” but is referred to as having an “ARC break.”
ARC break: A sudden decrease of the affinity, reality or communication another shares with an individual
ARC triangle: The symbol for the connection between the affinity, reality and communication that others feel for one another. It represents how each of these factors are needed to make the triangle complete
Auditing: Using the beliefs of Dianetics or Scientology to communicate with a trained auditor. Auditing is the process of asking a question and receiving an answer, then giving thanks for that answer
Auditor: A person who is qualified through training in applying the processes of Dianetics and/or Scientology. This title is given to these individuals because it refers to one who listens.
Auditor’s Code: Refers to the rules that an auditor must follow when using processes to audit another
Banky: Showing a bad attitude or temper, being irritable or irrational, as well as showing a lack of cooperation
Between-lives area: Refers to what a thetan experiences during the period of time spent transferring from one body to another
The Bridge: Refers to the “travel from unknowingness to revelation,” which is represented through the route to Clear and OT.
Classification, Gradation and Awareness Chart: Also referred to as The Bridge to Total Freedom, or The Bridge, it signifies the route to Clear and the OT states. Classification refers to particular actions that must be performed to move up in the ranks of training. Gradation means a gradual grade up, whereas Awareness refers to the awareness one possesses for them.
Cleaning a clean: Refers to the effort to clean something that has already been dealt with or is not presenting any dire consequences for the person to handle
Clear: This refers to the state that one achieves when they have gone through auditing and no longer has his “own reactive mind.”
Code of a Scientologist: Refers to the code a Scientologist follows in regards to their general activity
Demon: Acts as a negative voice from within, often giving conflicting advice. Can be received in the form of voices or echoes.
Dianetics: Refers to a technology that focuses on spiritual healing, dealing with the effects of the spirit on the body. It is meant to ease unwanted emotions, accidents, injuries or any other illnesses, which have developed due to mental stress. The word, itself, means “through the soul.”
E-meter: This refers to a religious artifact that is used within the Church confessional. It is the shortened term for the Hubbard Electrometer, which is meant to aid parishioners in locating the spiritual blocks that they may suffer from. It’s purpose is not to diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Mental items are supposed to register on the meter.
Engram: Refers to a mental picture that deals with a negative experience carrying pain and threats to ones mental health.
Engram bank: Refers to the reactive mind, which deals with the reaction to various stimuli.