The Bible Diet (or Maker’s Diet) consists of three different phrases that take place over the course of 40 days. A dieter will go through three levels ”“ basic, intermediate, and advanced. The goal of the diet is to achieve the healthiest point that an individual can reach by combining spirituality and nutrition. In this article, you will learn about the foods you can and cannot eat when following the Bible Diet.
According to God, clean animals are those that have divided, cloven hooves and chew the cud. In Deuteronomy 14, cattle, sheep, goat, ox, deer, gazelle and antelope are identified as food sources that are OK to eat. In Leviticus, prohibited meats to eat include “creeping things” or “flying insects” or those that “creep on all fours.” This list would include moles, mice, lizards, geckos, chameleons and reptiles. When reading Deuteronomy 14:21, you will learn that: “You shall not eat anything that dies of itself.” Before eating an animal, all of the blood must be drained. The fat of the creature is set aside for only the Lord.
When following the Bible Diet, you will need to pay attention to unclean birds. Birds of prey are considered diseased, decaying or of weak flesh ”“ therefore, they cannot be eaten and are seen as unclean. An example of an unclean bird is a vulture or buzzard. However, chicken, turkey, geese, pheasants and duck are good to eat.
However, you cannot eat what is considered unclean fish, which include shark, swordfish, flatfish, catfish, sturgeon, monkfish and crustaceans. The reason why shellfish are not looked upon as being clean is that they purify and filter their surrounding waters. They take in the toxins, pollutants and bacteria of the waters, which make them an unclean item to eat. As stated in Leviticus 11:9-12, you can consume saltwater and freshwater fish as long as they have fins and scales.
Grains are mentioned in the Bible as a suitable ingredient to eat. No refining takes place and all of the grain is whole. Biblical diets consisted of wheat, barley, millet and rye. Grain plays an important role in making bread, which figures into the teachings of Jesus. In Exodus 16:4, it is stated: “Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day.”
When eggs were consumed during Biblical times, they were boiled or fried, but people did not eat them raw. The people received their milk from cows, goats or sheep (as mentioned in Books such as Genesis, Deuteronomy and Proverbs). When reading passages from Deuteronomy, Proverbs and Samuel, you will learn that people ate curds, butter and cheese during Biblical times. Sometimes, they would turn the milk into their version of yogurt. The butter they ate with was more like the olive oil we eat today. Cheese was a rare treat to eat in the past. It was not uncommon for the cheese to have a different flavor due to added herbs that enhanced the taste.