The most obvious prerequisite for creative thinker is he must be a ‘thinker’. The dominant characteristics of creative thinker are questioning, wonder, curiosity, love to understand the process and live in a process of discovery, research, critical, analytical, higher intellect-Intuition etc.
Higher intellect or Intuition is divine blessing for thinker achieved only by transcendental meditation, practice, devotion and sincerity which ultimately makes thinker a ‘creative thinker’. Make it a habit talk to people and ask them how they solve their problems. Here is s a short list five easy ways to become creative thinker.
1. You should force yourself to approach problems in inventive and practical ways. It will expand your reasoning faculty. For example, while going to office, take different routes regularly or perform all your tasks left hand instead of right hand.
2. Read scholarly books based on problem solving tasks, watch philosophical and adventurous movies, and take interest in artistic works of all forms and styles that are not fascinated usually. For instance, if you are there in painting exhibition, please observe straightly until you comprehend the main theme of painting. If any piece of art inspires your aesthetic sense, do read more about it in detail.
3. Solve logical puzzles such as crossword, Chinese puzzle or jigsaw puzzle etc. All puzzles can easily be found online.
4. Search “Word of the Day” every day from dictionary use it at least five times during the day.
5. Approach logic reasoning from different perspective. Think of all potential solutions and persuade yourself that you already know the answer. Think again and again of how you can apply your mistakes to improve yourself. When you contribute an intelligent reflection to a complex task, please incorporate that thought into your next challenge.